‘Complicated’ Storm System To Hit For Christmas. Here’s What You Need To Know

A Nor’easter is heading for the U.S., just in time for Christmas.

A video forecast shared by AccuWeather’s Bernie Rayno detailed how Americans need to “batten down the hatches” this coming Christmas, as a serious nor’easter is heading up the east coast. Strong coastal winds are anticipated in an area stretching from northern Florida through to New England, along with flooding-levels of rain, and potentially heavy snow. But it’s “complicated.”

The system could be seriously “damaging” if it intensifies in the coming days, which could happen due to a large area of warm weather hitting southern Florida, the National Weather Service noted. If this collides with cold air coming down from the north, we’re going to see a lot more than just snow and wind.

A Nor’easter is coming next week, but it’s complicated.

🎥 Watch @AccuRayno break down the forecast in a new Chaos to Clarity episode now: https://t.co/gC7lR1K646 pic.twitter.com/0BxH2GVILH

— AccuWeather (@accuweather) December 12, 2023

The lack of cold air was noted by Rayno in his longer forecast, suggesting this could be a significant rain storm. Most of the snow should hit the New England and Appalachian area, but regions as far south as North Carolina could see a white Christmas, the News & Observer reported. (RELATED: Drone Footage Shows Horrific Damage Following Late-Night Tornado)

A series of back-to-back storms throughout Christmas 2022 led to the deaths of more than 100 people across the U.S., with most occurring in Buffalo, New York. As we head into this coming week, be sure to check the forecast before leaving the house and prepare accordingly.
