Far-Left AOC Claims Hunter Biden Complies with Congressional Subpoena by Simply Standing Outside the Capitol (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Far-Left AOC Claims Hunter Biden Complies with Congressional Subpoena by Simply Standing Outside the Capitol (VIDEO)

On Wednesday, far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) argued that Hunter Biden made an attempt to comply with a congressional subpoena by simply presenting himself outside the Capitol.

It seems like AOC might need a refresher on how subpoenas work. It’s not about his presence, it’s about providing the requested documents and information.

According to AOC, the committee had outlined that compliance could be executed by appearing ‘either in private or in public,’ and it was their last-minute rejection of Hunter Biden’s chosen option that blocked the due process.

AOC claimed that despite Hunter Biden standing outside the Capitol, the committee had refused his offer to comply with their terms.

“I think it’s important to note here that the committee issued a subpoena, and Hunter Biden is here in an attempt to comply with that subpoena,” AOC claimed.

“It is the committee that has rejected the terms that they themselves set out for compliance with that subpoena that is now preventing a public and due process from happening thing.”

“The chairman laid out himself the terms of what compliance looks like. He said compliance with this subpoena means that you can show up either in private or in public, whichever you choose. And when his own option was chosen, he decided to reject it at the last minute.”

This is fake news. According to the letter sent by Rep. James Coomer and Rep. Jim Jordan, “Contrary to the assertions in your letter, there is no “choice” for Mr. Biden to make; the subpoenas compel him to appear for a deposition on December 13. If Mr. Biden does not appear for his deposition on December 13, 2023, the Committees will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.”

AOC continued, “Secondly, it’s also important to note that not only is the committee not allowing Hunter Biden to testify publicly, but they have not called a single witness, a single firsthand witness to any of their allegations.”

Again, this claim from the far-left Congresswoman that the House has not called a single witness is false.

As previously reported by the Gateway Pundit, Archer appeared before the House Oversight Committee to testify on the Biden Crime Family.

Archer testified that Joe Biden was on more than 20 phone calls with Hunter’s business associates while he was serving as vice president.

Archer told lawmakers the “Biden brand” helped Ukrainian Natural Gas Company Burisma Holdings from going bankrupt.

Archer also said that Burisma execs, including Hunter Biden, Mykola Zlochevsky and Vadym Pozharski, convened a meeting and ‘called DC’ to get Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin fired.

As Cristina Laila previously reported, Shokin was investigating Burisma and its CEO, Mykola Zlochevsky, for corruption, and several homes and vehicles belonging to the oligarch were seized.

The transcript confirms these details laid out by Archer. But there is some new information that has not previously been revealed. One is that Joe Biden, “the Big Guy,” WAS the entire brand and that Burisma would have gone out of business without him.


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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

