Backing the blue: Five Democrats who have fallen in line behind Biden as impeachment inquiry was formalized

Backing the blue: Five Democrats who have fallen in line behind Biden as impeachment inquiry was formalized

December 14, 2023 09:08 AM

As the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden was formalized, several Democrats fell behind the president to buck Republicans.

While the Democratic Party can be as prone to infighting as the GOP, even members often critical of Biden have united behind him during the impeachment inquiry. These efforts are likely to grow as a possible impeachment draws nearer.


Here are five Democrats who have fallen in line behind Biden amid the formalization of the impeachment inquiry.

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX)

“The idea that they are going to somehow get to President Biden through his son, who was drug addicted, and the only thing that they have revealed in these hearings is that we have a president who loves his son, even through his imperfections,” Crockett said in an appearance on MSNBC.

Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett: The only thing the Biden impeachment inquiry reveals is “a president that loves his son.”

Actually, it reveals the Bidens’ long-running international bribery scheme and the relentless efforts at covering it up.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 14, 2023

Crockett slammed Republican members on the House Oversight Committee as being “nonsense Republicans” this week, also ridiculing the “Biden crime family” label the GOP members of the committee have given to their investigation into Biden.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD)

On Wednesday, Raskin, ranking member of the Oversight Committee, accused Republicans of not knowing what they were aiming to impeach Biden over.

“We take it that the Republicans, if they can get their votes together, are planning to vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry today, a repetition of everything that we’ve seen over the last 11 months,” he told reporters. “But we are in a remarkable juncture for the U.S. House of Representatives. Because this is an impeachment inquiry where no one has been able to define what criminal or constitutional offense they’re looking for. We don’t know what the crime is.”

“You know, the mysteries are called a ‘whodunit’ because it starts with a crime, and then you try to determine who committed it. This is more like a ‘what is it,’ not a whodunit,” Raskin quipped. “We don’t know what the crime is. And there are thousands and thousands of pages of evidence, but all of the evidence demonstrates, beyond any reasonable doubt, that President Joe Biden is not guilty.”

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA)

Swalwell has been a consistent defender of Biden and continued his defense when speaking ahead of the impeachment inquiry vote.

“The only crime is that Joe Biden blew out Donald Trump in the 2020 election,” he said. “And that’s a problem because this place is the largest law firm in D.C., with these lawyers working on behalf of just one client, Donald Trump, at the expense of everything else that matters. But I want to give James Comer some credit because, after 50,000 pages of depositions and secret hearings and closed hearings, I think, if we give them enough time, he’s going to prove that Hunter Biden is Joe Biden’s son.”

“I want to give James Comer some credit. Because after 50,000 pages of depositions and secret hearings and closed hearings, I think if we give him enough time, he’s going to prove that Hunter Biden is Joe Biden’s son.”

— Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) on House GOP impeachment inquiry

— The Recount (@therecount) December 13, 2023

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

Ocasio-Cortez, who has feuded with Biden recently over his stance on the Israel-Hamas war, focused her attack on the inquiry.

“Secondly, it’s also important to note that not only is the committee not allowing Hunter Biden to testify publicly, but they have not called a single witness, a single firsthand witness, to any of their allegations,” she said. “They haven’t allowed anybody to testify publicly because they do not have a single witness to any of their alleged allegations.”

“So this is just storytelling at this point,” the New York Democrat continued. “This is a nice story. And to add to ranking member Raskin’s questions, there’s not, this is not just a ‘whodunit,’ it’s not just a ‘what is it,’ but it’s also a ‘where’s the beef?’ And they don’t have any, so this, right now, is a waste of our time, and we should go back to legislating for the actual benefit of the American people.”

.@RepAOC @AOC: “The Committee issued a subpoena and Hunter Biden is here in an attempt to comply…It is the Committee that has rejected the terms that they themselves set out for compliance with that subpoena that is now preventing a public and due process from happening.”

— CSPAN (@cspan) December 13, 2023


Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA)

Jayapal condemned the vote in favor of the impeachment inquiry, blaming it on “extreme MAGA Republicans.”

“With absolutely zero evidence, every single House Republican has voted to open a sham impeachment inquiry,” she said in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Rather than focus on what working families across America need, extreme MAGA Republicans would rather pull political stunts. It’s shameful.”

With absolutely zero evidence, every single House Republican has voted to open a sham impeachment inquiry.

Rather than focus on what working families across America need, extreme MAGA Republicans would rather pull political stunts. It’s shameful.

— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) December 13, 2023
