Patrick Byrne Pledges $500,000 Match to January 6 Legal Fund!  We Need Your Help to Reach the Goal.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the good news from the Supreme Court on Wednesday.

SCOTUS will hear Fischer vs. United States, the lawsuit questioning the unconstitutional 1512(c)(2) charges used by the Biden Department of Justice to abuse and punish January 6 protesters who came to Washington DC to protest the stolen 2020 election.

The case involves three j6 defendants: Jake Lang, who we have reported on extensively here at The Gateway Pundit, Garret Miller, who pleaded guilty to 11 other criminal charges and was sentenced in February, and Joseph Fischer, who, like Lang, continues to await trial.

Tuesday night, before the Supreme Court news, the CEO of, Patrick Byrne, pledged the largest donation to the Jan 6ers yet during an appearance on Jake Lang’s Political Prisoner Podcast.

Byrne has pledged a matching gift of $500,000, IF AND ONLY IF, the GiveSendGo reaches a $500,000 goal by Sunday at the stroke of midnight.

The fund currently stands at approximately $300,000 – so the goal is in sight for a Christmas miracle.

You can turn a $500 donation into $1500 for the Jan 6 Patriots. Help our heroes retain strong attorneys to fight their cases and push through their appeals

Please visit and contribute to the Fund that has helped over 30 J6ers already.

This community effort is a sure sign that the Christmas spirit is alive and well in America.
What better gift to give than freedom for a Jan 6er?

Visit and be filled with the joy of giving.

God bless the J6ers and God bless America!


The post Patrick Byrne Pledges $500,000 Match to January 6 Legal Fund!  We Need Your Help to Reach the Goal. appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
