Liberals Complain About Saint Mary’s College Reversing Decision To Admit Transgender Students

Saint Mary’s Catholic College in Notre Dame, Indiana, reversed its decision Thursday to allow transgender individuals to attend its all-girls student body, but some aren’t too happy.

The institution’s reversal came following widespread opposition among the community and alumni, the Daily Signal first reported. In an email obtained by the outlet, Saint Mary’s President Katie Conboy wrote: “We have listened closely, and we have heard each of you.” The school initially decided in November it would begin considering transgender women for enrollment in the Fall of 2024, The Observer first reported. However, the institution has gone back on its word, and many individuals are upset by its decision.

Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
Nonbinary people are people.

Just because it’s new or confusing to you doesn’t make it untrue or wrong or sinful or anything other than reality.

Instead of denying the existence and experience of others, perhaps you might try learning.

— Daniel P. Horan, OFM (@DanHoranOFM) December 22, 2023

Saint Mary’s professor and director of the Center for the Study of Spirituality, Daniel P. Horan, took to Twitter to vent his frustration, posting: “Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Nonbinary people are people. Just because it’s new or confusing to you doesn’t make it untrue or wrong or sinful or anything other than reality.”

Additionally, he shared his thoughts with the National Catholic Reporter.

“I believe that this reversal of the nondiscrimination policy in fact goes against our identity as a Catholic women’s college in the Holy Cross tradition and establishes a policy of discrimination and exclusion rather than the community of inclusion, hospitality and welcome that we say we are,” Horan said.

Loretto Sr. Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry, an LGBTQ Catholic advocacy group, also spoke with the National Catholic Reporter.

“I feel so very sad that a Catholic institution squandered an opportunity to hold up the basic Catholic value of dignity and respect for the human person,” she said. “As St. Mary’s embarks on a series of listening sessions, how much more fitting it would be to hold up the public statement of what we are trying to achieve: accepting the Gospel principle of respect for the human person.”

Faithful America issued a statement highlighting how the “leaders of St. Mary’s College have reversed their previous, Christ-like position of love to admit trans women as students.” (RELATED: Saint Mary’s College Scraps Plan To Admit Trans-Identifying Biological Males)

While many are outraged, others are relieved, according to the Daily Signal. “I’m so proud of the women at Saint Mary’s who were willing to stand up against this anti-women, anti-Catholic policy.” junior Clare Bettag of Saint Mary’s said, “God’s truth will always win.”
