EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Ernst Is Pulling The Plug On Biden’s Electric Vehicle Charging Initiative

Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst is planning on introducing legislation that would terminate President Joe Biden’s $7.5 billion programs to subsidize Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the legislation, which would specifically go after the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that created two new programs providing $7.5 billion in grants to states to build tens of thousands of electric vehicle (EV) chargers across the country.

The two new programs were The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, which received a $5 billion grant, and The Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) grant program, which received a $2.5 billion grant.

Meanwhile, there are at least four other federal programs that provide support for EV charging stations, which are the Clean Cities Program, the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit, and Electrify America.

Ernst’s bill would repeal those programs to save taxpayers however much of the $7.5 billion that has not yet been spent.

“NEVI, or the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula program, along with the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) program, were set up as part of the president’s so-called infrastructure bill to construct thousands of EV chargers across the country. More than two years later, only two stations—one in Ohio and another in New York—have opened as a result of the $7.5 billion initiative,” Ernst said in a statement. (RELATED: Biden’s EV Dreams May Be Screeching To A Halt As Consumer Enthusiasm Wanes)


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

“Unlike this summer when staff for the Secretary of Energy caused a backup by blocking off a charging station to stage a photo op, there’s no waiting to use these stations. During its first four days in operation, the Ohio station was used for a total of just four hours. Maybe that is because the Biden chargers are not compatible with Tesla vehicles, the most popular EVs in the country. So while it may be a Merry Chrysler or Happy Honda Days for those stopping to power up at one of these locations this holiday season, it won’t be a very Merry Tesmas,” she continued. (RELATED: House Passes Bill Hitting Back Against Biden’s EV Agenda)

“Folks, only in Washington would spending billion of dollars to open just two charging stations be touted as a national success story. This money would be better left in the pockets, or stockings, of taxpayers to help cover the cost of basic necessities that are getting more and more expensive because of Bidenomics,” Ernst added.
