EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW With Director of MUST-SEE ‘State of Denial: Arizona’ Documentary Matt Thayer – Expected to Make Films Exposing Election Fraud in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW With Director of MUST-SEE ‘State of Denial: Arizona’ Documentary Matt Thayer – Expected to Make Films Exposing Election Fraud in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin (VIDEO)

The “State of Denial: Arizona” documentary made its debut in a Maricopa County theater on Wednesday night with special guests, including Kari Lake, Lake’s legal team, expert witnesses from Lake’s lawsuit, and election investigators who worked on exposing the stolen midterm election in Arizona.

The movie was an awe-inspiring presentation of the evidence proving that Arizona’s midterm election was rigged and covered up with absurd show trials in Kari Lake’s lawsuit to overturn the results. This was a complete guide to the clear evidence of misconduct before election day, fraudulent mail-in ballot signature verification, illegal mail-in ballots with no chain of custody documentation, and shady testimony by election officials. It also featured interviews with Kari Lake attorneys Kurt Olsen and Bryan Blehm, We The People AZ Alliance investigators Chris Handsel and Shelby Busch, and Lake expert witnesses Clay Parikh and Heather Honey.

Throughout the film premiere in Arizona, loud gasps from the audience could be heard as parts of the tragic true story that previously went forgotten or completely missed by the audience were revealed and restated. The movie also utilized humor to ridicule the Maricopa County election officials for their absurd cover-up attempts. The theater was howling with laughter.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh’s fight against the stolen midterm election in Arizona, where 60% of voting machines failed to tabulate ballots on election day due to what appears to be intentional misconduct in the Maricopa County Elections Department. These “errors” occurred on the same day that Republicans turned out 3:1 to vote for their Trump-Endorsed candidates. The election anomalies and discrepancies also included misread votes across the state and hundreds of thousands of illegal mail-in ballots with no chain of custody or signature verification.

“State of Denial: Arizona” was Matt Thayer and his wife, Joy Thayer’s first movie in their new “State of Denial” docuseries, which aims to expose election fraud nationwide. Matt Thayer told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview Wednesday that his goal is to “expose each one of these states that are living in denial of what actually happened in our election system.” He further told us that with the political persecution of the so-called “election deniers,” attacks on conservative attorneys, and continued election interference, “it feels very similar to what happened in 1776 at the birth of our country.”

Kari Lake attorney Kurt Olsen told The Gateway Pundit on Thursday that they are still fighting through the appeals process and fighting to prevent fraud in 2024. Meanwhile, Olsen and Lake co-counsel Bryan Blehm are facing disciplinary action from the State Bar Association to make it so they can never practice law again in Arizona.

Thayer said he is working on more films that focus on states like Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, where elections are also plagued with phony mail-in ballots, counting behind closed doors, and other shady, illegal tactics. You can help Matt and Joy continue their mission to expose election rigging with free films by donating to the movie franchise here.

From State-of-Denial.com:

State of Denial tells the true story about the state of elections in the fourth largest county in America, Maricopa County, Arizona. The movie follows the story of Kari Lake’s legal team and citizen volunteers who came together during two court trials challenging the November 2022 general election. People can see and judge the evidence for themselves. That evidence shows that Maricopa County election officials are not following Arizona law on basic issues governing the use of electronic voting machines, chain of custody procedures for handling ballots, and verifying voter signatures. The question then becomes why are they doing this? Common sense tells you the answer.

It was a phenomenal MUST-SEE documentary. If you missed it, watch for free here and at State-of-Denial.com!

“State of Denial: Arizona” Documentary About Rigged Election to Premiere Online and in Phoenix, AZ Tonight With Special Guests – WATCH FREE HERE @ 10 PM ET

The film is also available on State of Denial’s X and Rumble pages. You can see the evidence of fraud for yourself on the film’s website.

The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson spoke to director Matt Thayer during the film premiere event hosted at the great Pollack Cinemas in Tempe, Arizona.

Watch below:

Conradson: Tell me a little bit more about this movie, why people should watch it, and what we can expect to see here.

Thayer: For one thing, a reason why you should watch it is because it’s free. And you can watch it for free at state-of-denial.com. But it’s because we really need to understand you can’t fix something unless you understand what’s going on, right? And that’s one of the reasons why things have been obscured in our elections for so long. It’s just been kind of in the black box, and we’re doing is we are lifting the lid of that black box and we’re starting to inspect it. And unfortunately, the government doesn’t like it when all of a sudden you start watching them do their job, which is kind of weird because I thought that they were our employees, and so we shouldn’t be watching them do their job. And what they’re trying to do is obfuscate and deny everything. And so they call a lot of us election deniers. So why don’t we just flip the script on them? And they’re the ones that are actually living in a state of denial.

Conradson: What got you inspired to get into saving our country from this stolen election regime?

Thayer: Well, you know, I have a passion for stories, and I have a passion for getting information out to people in a way where they feel like they can walk away and go, “Oh, I understand that.” And also, you know, entertain them along the way and have a little bit of fun but to tell a story that people want to watch and want to share. And we’re living in unprecedented times. I mean, look at what’s happening all around us right now. And, you know, we need filmmakers that are willing to stand up and tell these kinds of stories because these stories are tools, right? There are tools for people to share. Not everybody is going to read an article, right? Not everybody’s gonna listen to a podcast; they might read an article but then maybe not listen to the podcast or they might watch a movie, or watch a documentary, or read somebody’s tweet. All communication is important because we need a lot of tools to build this house; you can’t build a house with just a hammer. And so, having these documentaries helps kind of ground people in what’s going on, expose what’s going on, maybe give them a taste of what’s happening so that they can understand it and explain it to their friends and families hopefully over the holidays, right? They’ll watch this; they’ll get into the conversation. There’s going to be a lot of conversation about what’s going on with Trump, what’s going on with the elections, what’s going on with all of these indictments, what happened in Arizona; a lot of Arizona is back in the news again… Kari Lake is continuing to press on with these things, and people are going, “Why?” And I think that the thing is that people are starting to realize. This is going on for long enough that people are starting to question: You know what? These people are either insane, or they’re telling the truth because you don’t put yourself through that that kind of scrutiny and all of the stuff that these people are calling down on themselves. You know what I mean? The the lawyers that are trying to do this, they’re putting their life, they’re putting their their reputation, their licenses, sometimes their lives on the line, their freedom. And in some ways, it feels very similar to what happened in 1776 at the birth of our country, right? It’s like there are people that are literally facing jail time to do the right thing. And people are starting to take notice of that, and so hopefully documentaries like this give some context and, and give some understanding that people can sit down and watch and enjoy with their family.

Conradson: This is a nationwide issue. You said Georgia, you said Michigan what’s coming next in State of Denial?

Thayer: The hope is that we would be able to create a series of films that expose each one of these states that are living in denial of what actually happened in our election system. And so, you know, Georgia is kind of on the docket. We’re looking at Michigan. You know, basically, it’s really easy to kind of pick on, you know, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and some of these ones that are, you know, the problem children, so to speak. And so, we’re looking at that. And people can help us out; they can go to state-of-denial.com, watch the film for free, and then there’s a Donate button there, and all of the donations help get this information, help us make more movies and help us actually maintain the website, which is also going to be a place where people can go and look at the evidence for themselves. People say that there’s no evidence of election fraud. Well, it’s only because you haven’t seen it. And it’s there. So, hopefully, this website is going to be a place where people can go and actually see it, find it, research themselves, and also watch these films.

Photo of author

Jordan Conradson, formerly TGP’s Arizona correspondent, is currently on assignment in Washington DC. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in Arizona’s elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Maricopa County led to the resignation of one election official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room for his courage in pursuit of the truth. TGP and Jordan finally gained access after suing Maricopa County, America’s fourth largest county, and winning at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Conradson looks forward to bringing his aggressive style of journalism to the Swamp.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson’s articles here.

