Huge: Argentina’s Milei Presents ‘Omnibus Bill’ Promoting Privatizations, Curbing Protests – Implements ‘Right to Self-Defense’ and Protects Children ‘Since the Conception’

New Argentinian President Javier Milei continues his urgent work of drafting new legislation to tackle the dire situation in his country.

Milei has just presented a huge, radical ‘omnibus bill’ to Congress, declaring the country in a state of ‘public emergency’.

The comprehensive reforms in the 600-plus articles would give his government sweeping powers regarding economic issues, as well as fiscal, taxation, security, defense, energy and health areas, over a period of two years.

El Pais reported:

“The bill will be fast-tracked via extraordinary sessions of Congress. If it is approved, Milei will have a greater degree of legislative power ceded to the presidency, specifically competences that correspond to both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, where his party, La Libertad Avanza (Liberty Advances), holds a minority of seats. The 664 articles address a variety of issues, ranging from the reform of the political system and the control of social protests to the resale of tickets for sporting events.”

The bill, among many other things, eliminates Mandatory Open Primary Elections, restructures the Chamber of Deputies and removes free advertising spaces for candidates while eliminating the ceiling for contributions.

Read: Libertarian Outsider Javier Milei Is Sworn in as President of Argentina, Warning of a Fiscal ‘Shock Therapy’ and Vowing To Put the Country on the ‘Road to Reconstruction’

Some features of the bill are particularly poised to generate controversy, such as the measures against social protests.

According to the text, any ‘intentional and temporary gathering of three or more persons’ is to be considered a crime should it impede free transit or the provision of public services.

When it comes to fundamental rights, one of the highlights of the bill regard the rights to self-defense.

Regarding security, the bill also introduces amendments to the Penal Code to broaden the right to legitimate self-defense and offer the security forces greater support. On this point, the text also establishes that the person who commits a crime or, in the case of death, his relatives ‘do not have the right to file a complaint or sue the person preventing the crime or preventing flight’. The text also legislates on ‘resistance to authority’ and establishes penalties of up to six years for anyone who ‘uses intimidation or force against a public official or against the person who assists them at their request’.”

Read: Argentina Devalues the Peso Over 50% In First ‘Shock Package’ to Tackle Hyperinflation by President Javier Milei

In a country with an overgrown and ineffective public sector, Milei brings the dreaded (to the left) subject of privatization.

“The bill proposes that 41 public enterprises are ‘subject to privatization’. The list includes the oil company YPF; the flagship airline, Aerolíneas Argentinas; the railroads and the post office; the Casa de la Moneda (the Argentine mint) and the public media, such as the news agency Télam.”

Read: Maligned by the MSM, Argentina’s Javier Milei Is Not Joking Around: Gets Rid of ‘Ministry of Culture’ Along With 8 Others, to the Dismay of Libs Worldwide

The text promotes a veritable overhaul of laws, rules and regulations in Argentina.

“The bill seeks to ratify the Necessity and Urgency Decree (DNU) whose 300 reforms dismantle the existing structure of the Argentinian State by repealing laws, eliminating dozens of state regulations, enabling the privatization of public companies, opening the door to operations in dollars and making the labor market and health system more flexible. The DNU is being challenged in Congress, the courts and on the streets by those who consider it ‘unconstitutional’.”

Other meaningful and welcome article deals with protecting ‘children from the moment of their conception’, thereby contradicting the laws on abortion.

Read more:

The MSM Smear Machine Turns on Conservative Javier Milei, Most Voted Presidential Candidate in Argentina’s Primary Elections

The post Huge: Argentina’s Milei Presents ‘Omnibus Bill’ Promoting Privatizations, Curbing Protests – Implements ‘Right to Self-Defense’ and Protects Children ‘Since the Conception’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
