McDonald’s Malaysia Sues Pro-Palestinian Group BDS Over Calls To Boycott | The Gateway Pundit | by Sharika Soal

McDonald’s Malaysia Sues Pro-Palestinian Group BDS Over Calls To Boycott

QRS Media


McDonald’s Malaysia is suing a boycott movement for “false and defamatory statements,” which it says hurt its business, seeking damages of 6 million ringgit ($1.31 million).

While boycotting is an individual choice, it should be based on ‘true facts and not false allegations’, according to a spokesperson for the fast food chain. The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Malaysia company, which is the name of the group being sued for US$1.31 million, has denied its actions harmed the business.

Reuters reports

Malaysia, a majority-Muslim country, is a staunch supporter of the Palestinians, and some Western fast-food brands in the country, as in some other Muslim nations, have been targeted by boycott campaigns over Israel’s military offensive in Gaza.

Gerbang Alaf Restaurants Sdn Bhd (GAR), which is the licencee of McDonald’s (MCD.N) in Malaysia, is suing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Malaysia movement for a series of social media postings allegedly linking the fast-food franchise, among other companies, to Israel’s “genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza”.

According to a writ of summons dated Dec. 19 sighted by Reuters, Gerbang Alaf Restaurants alleged that BDS Malaysia incited the public to boycott McDonald’s Malaysia, which led to a loss of profit and job cuts, among other damages, due to closures and shortened operating hours of its outlets.

McDonald’s Malaysia confirmed it filed the suit against BDS Malaysia to protect its “rights and interests”, it said in a statement on Friday.

In response, BDS Malaysia said it “categorically denies” defaming the fast-food company and would leave the matter to the court.

When social media heard about the famous franchise’s decision to take action, they wasted no time weighing in on the matter.

Reviews were mixed.  Some called for more boycotts, while others said the food enterprise should sue the U.S Government

BDS the pro-Palestine organization named in the lawsuit also took to their  X Account to announce they had been sued.


BDS is an international movement that the Gateway Pundit reported on when Democrats in the Arizona Legislature and the ACLU hosted the screening of an anti-Semitic film titled “Boycott” at the Arizona Capitol Museum in 2022. The film was used to promote the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) hate movement against United States ally, Israel.

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Sharika Soal is a former entertainment publicist and content creator most well known for her commentary on black culture. She has worked as a publicist for Interscope records, MTV and VH1. She later founded her own PR company called LadySoal PR.

You can email Sharika Soal here, and read more of Sharika Soal’s articles here.

