Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Pulls Race Card on Handling of Illegal Crisis-Says Texas Governor Clinging To ‘Vestiges’ Of Confederacy | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Pulls Race Card on Handling of Illegal Crisis-Says Texas Governor Clinging To ‘Vestiges’ Of Confederacy

On Sunday, Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson appeared on CBS News’s “Face the Nation and invoked the Confederacy to complain about Texas Governor Greg Abbott sending illegals to his city.

Bizarrely, Johnson focuses his ire on Abbott rather than Joe Biden, who created this humanitarian disaster.

Johnson said, “But what we can’t have is a governor, in the state of Texas, acting the way he is acting. And quite frankly, the rogue buses that are being dropped off across this country in the middle of the night leaving people with no real support at all, no coordination with the local municipalities. That type of chaos is certainlly dividing our country.”

“What is very clear is not only are we providing mental health-related services as well as vaccinations and health screenings and providing medical healthcare for these families when they arrive the moment they get off those buses, we are not seeing that same treatment at the border.”

“In other words, there’s no health screenings, no vaccinations, that process at the border is absolutely raggedy and reckless.”

“But we cannot have a governor who decides that he’s going to cling to the vestiges of [Confederate President] Jefferson Davis, when we should be pulling to the hopes and aspirations that were left by [black abolitionist] Frederick Douglass.“

“We have to have a coordinated response to this humanitarian crisis. We cannot allow chaos to dictate and to divide this country.”

Although sanctuary city mayors like Johnson and New York’s Eric Adams have begged for financial help from the Biden administration for their cities, somehow border communities should absorb all of the costs and infrastructure requirements themselves, or they are racist.

A record number of illegals crossed the southern border in December.

According to Customs and Border Protection, there have been over 276,000 encounters with illegal aliens at the southern border this month, with a few days to go. This means more than 300,000 illegals may have crossed over the border by the time the complete numbers are in.

Previously, September held the record with 269,735 illegal alien encounters. Apparently, Joe Biden wanted to outdo his record.

