First Set Of Court Documents Listing Jeffrey Epstein Associates Unsealed

Highly anticipated court documents containing a list of over 150 associates of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein began to be released Wednesday night.

Former President Bill Clinton and disgraced British Prince Andrew are expected to be named on the list of Epstein associates made public as part of years-long litigation between prominent Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre and Epstein’s partner Ghislaine Maxwell. (RELATED: JPMorgan Chase Agrees To Pay US Virgin Islands $75 Million To Settle Jeffrey Epstein Lawsuit)

The release of the court documents was initially thought to be delayed because of an appeal from a Jane Doe, but a judge confirmed Wednesday the documents were set to be released on schedule. U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York Loretta Preska ordered in December for the Epstein names and associated documents to be released at the start of January.

The documents are expected to be released on a rolling basis as Preska considers an appeal from a Jane Doe to remain confidential, NewsNation reported. Maxwell’s attorney told the network she has “nothing to say” about the documents.

This is a breaking news story and it will be updated with more information
