Victor Reacts: You Get What You Deserve! Democrat Mayors Sue to Stop Busloads of Illegal Aliens (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Victor Nieves

Victor Reacts: You Get What You Deserve! Democrat Mayors Sue to Stop Busloads of Illegal Aliens (VIDEO)

Sometimes you get what you deserve! That is exactly what is happening to these Democratic mayors that claimed their cities were “sanctuaries” for illegal aliens. Now that they are getting what they asked for, they are singing a different tune.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is so desperate to stop the flow of illegal border crossers into the city that he is now suing the bus companies for transporting them there. So much for being a sanctuary city.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is doing the same thing.

The controversial policy of Republican governors shipping busloads of illegals to sanctuary cities has highlighted one of the greatest examples of hypocrisy you will ever find. These blue cities are getting what they deserve.

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Victor Nieves is a unique voice in politics. As an experienced conservative content creator and commentator, he has built an audience of over 400 thousand followers on social media platforms. He is also the host of “The Victor Nieves Show” on the Real Talk Radio Network weekdays from 4-6pm. His content has been viewed by hundreds of millions worldwide and featured on cable news, and radio stations across the country. Victor is also a podcast host, and author of the book “Conservative Prudence”.

You can email Victor Nieves here, and read more of Victor Nieves’s articles here.

