The View co-host warns Democrats will need to bear responsibility of nominating Biden in 2024

The View co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin warned Monday that the Democratic Party will need to bear “the responsibility” of nominating President Joe Biden for 2024 over another candidate with better polling and statistics.

Griffin’s warning comes as many are expecting a rematch between Biden and former President Donald Trump in the presidential election this November, as both are leading the primary races in their respective parties. Griffin, who worked in the White House when Trump was president, stated she does not want to see Trump win the nomination and that the Republican Party will need to bear responsibility if he does become the 2024 nominee.

“He’s a threat to democracy, and this could spell the last election in our lifetime, but my warning to Democrats is this,” Griffin said on The View. “There’s a bit of a kind of — Democrats have decided Biden or bust at this point. If Donald Trump becomes president again, yes, Republicans bear responsibility for nominating him, but Democrats will as well for not putting someone up who’s statistically more competitive against Donald Trump.”

The possible rematch between Trump and Biden comes after the president announced last year he would seek reelection despite concerns from several major Democrats. Next week, the Iowa caucuses will begin, in which former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has predicted Trump will emerge victorious.

Last month, Griffin appeared on ABC’s This Week and was joined by two other former Trump staffers who discussed the possibility of Trump returning to the White House in 2025. Griffin explained that the former president knows “how to use government better this time” and would put “die-hard loyalists” into positions of power.

Griffin is not the only person to express concern over Biden seeking reelection, as sports journalist Stephen A. Smith said last month that the United States needs “a new president,” citing Biden’s age, 81, as a major problem. Similarly, comedian Charlamagne tha God joked in December that the “ultimate Christmas gift” Biden could give to voters would be not to seek reelection in 2024.


According to polling data for the 2024 presidential election, Biden has lost support among minority voters, with Trump having a slight lead with Hispanic voters at 39%, ahead of Biden’s 34%. While Biden still leads with black voters, at 63%, his support has taken a hit compared to 2020, when his support was around 87%.

Trump also holds a slight lead over Biden with voters under 35, with Trump getting 37% compared to Biden’s 33%, according to the data from the Census Bureau.
