“There’s a Hunger for the Truth and We’re Telling the Truth – THE TIDE IS TURNING” – TGP’s Jim Hoft Joins War Room on Jan. 6 Protest Anniversary (Video)

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft joined Steve Bannon on Saturday morning on The War Room on the anniversary of the January 6, 2021 protests and riot in Washington DC.

Jim Hoft told Steve Bannon, “The tide is turning.” – Democrats are losing the argument and they are panicked. They can’t stop the truth because the truth ALWAYS resonates with the people.

Jim Hoft: Steve – I’m so glad that you’re doing this today, on January 6. It’s hard to believe this was three years ago. Steve, I can tell you, as far as with Gateway pundit, I know when we put up articles about January 6th, even to this day, we still have an amazing amount of traffic. People are very interested in this story. They’re very interested in the truth. And I loved in your cold open listening to these people talk, Joy Reid, talking about some poll that said 77% of democrats believe that all of the people who went inside the US Capitol were violent that day. Obviously, that’s not true. We’ve seen the video. These same people probably think that the QAnon Shaman was violent and we just put up a new post, new video of the QAnon shaman outside reading Trump’s tweet about being peaceful and then telling people to go home. We saw him praying inside the Senate room. We saw him being escorted around the Capitol. There was no violence from the QAnon shaman, along with, I would say, probably 80, 90% of those people who walked in the building…

…It’s a fantasy they’re living in. And Steve, we have helped a lot of these protesters, these political prisoners, and that’s exactly what they are. I’m very proud to say that we have raised at least $2.6 million for the families through our readership and we’re very proud of that. We still get calls, I get calls from the DC Gulag a couple, two, three times a week still. And I feel honored that we can help them because no one’s telling their story. Steve, you, Julie, Lara Logan came out with an exceptional piece. Catherine Engelbrecht came out this week with a timeline of January 6, the events that happened that day. It’s just an amazing film that just goes through the minutes of that day and what was happening. So not a lot of people have researched this like you have, like we have, like Julie has and others. The Epoch Times has been incredible.

But there’s an interest for this and there’s a thirst and a hunger for this news because, Steve, we’re telling the truth and we all know that.

Here is the video from The War Room’s Jan 6 anniversary show.

The post “There’s a Hunger for the Truth and We’re Telling the Truth – THE TIDE IS TURNING” – TGP’s Jim Hoft Joins War Room on Jan. 6 Protest Anniversary (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
