NYC migrants get heated as their vehicles are towed from disputed shelter

Asylum-seekers in New York City became heated Friday when they saw at least five vehicles they were using towed outside a disputed tent shelter in Brooklyn.

The unregistered vehicles were removed from the area surrounding the migrant camp at Floyd Bennett Field, according to a report.

Democratic Assemblywoman Jaime Williams captured the removal of the vehicles on video and shared the footage on Facebook.

The footage shows the vehicles without license plates being towed away, and at one point, individuals appear to attempt to retrieve documents from one of the vehicles.

“So, free shelter, free clothing, free food, and you drive,” Williams can be heard saying. “And I have homeowners struggling to pay their mortgage, tenants struggling to pay their rents.”

Later in the footage, tensions seem to rise between the migrants and the officials towing the vehicles.

“Oh, look, look, they want to fight. Look, they want to fight,” Williams, a representative for southeast Brooklyn neighborhoods, said. “They want to fight! Oh my God!”

“Back up, yo! Back up!” the official tells the migrant, who continues to respond in Spanish.

“Somebody needs to call backup,” Williams declares. “Call the 63rd Precinct, please. I can’t log off my phone. Someone call 911, please.”

Migrants at Floyd Bennett Field have been a point of major contention for New Yorkers who feel they are sacrificing too much of their city, money, and safety for these asylum-seekers.


“Where did they get the money [to buy vehicles]? This is bigger than all of us,” Williams later said. “It is bizarre.”

“People have to wake up and realize what’s happening. These are the same people who are knocking on doors begging for food and money.”
