Democrats back Trump ballot ban, GOP sees ‘civil war’

A majority of Democrats support schemes by liberal election officials to erase former President Donald Trump’s name from 2024 primary and caucuses ballots, but Republicans warn that it could come at a steep price — civil war.

In the latest demonstration of how divided the nation and political parties are a week before the 2024 election season opens, 66% of Democrats said they want Trump’s name removed from ballots, presumably because they feel he was responsible for the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.

Rasmussen Reports said 50% of Democrats in its new survey said they “strongly” approve of kicking Trump off the ballot.

Overall, however, voters, by a 53%-44% margin, want Trump’s name to remain on ballots.

Colorado and a handful of other states have election officials who have decided that Trump was to blame for the Capitol riots and believe he violated the Constitution. As a result, they are trying to remove his name. The Supreme Court is expected to rule on that soon.

Some Republican officials have suggested retaliating by removing President Joe Biden’s name from primary and caucuses ballots, but there wasn’t much support for that in the new survey. By a 66%-29% margin, voters rejected that proposal. Even 49% of Republicans rejected that idea.


But Republicans look a lot less friendly at any effort to take Trump’s name from ballots. Rasmussen asked if such a move could result in “civil war,” and 51% of Republicans said that is likely.

That finding is in line with other surveys showing high expectations of a new civil war sparked by the nation’s political division.
