Hardline conservatives freeze House action in revolt of Johnson’s spending deal

Hardline conservatives tanked a procedural rule vote in revolt against Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) top-line spending deal, effectively leaving the House at a standstill just nine days ahead of a government shutdown deadline.

The House met for its first votes of the year on Wednesday afternoon, hoping to advance a slate of bills on a number of legislative issues. However, a group of hardline conservatives voted against beginning debate on the legislation, tanking a key procedural vote in retaliation for Johnson’s government budget deal brokered with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) over the weekend.

‘We’re making a statement that what the deal as has been announced that doesn’t secure the border, and that doesn’t cut our spending — and it’s going to be passed, apparently, under suspension of the rules by predominantly Democrat votes — is unacceptable,” said Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good (R-VA). “My hope is to persuade the speaker and the leadership and our entire Republican conference to not follow through with the deal as it’s been announced.”

This story is developing and will be updated.
