Nancy Mace Tells Hunter Biden ‘You Have No Balls’ And Sh*t Completely Hits The Fan

Republican South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace told Hunter Biden that he has “no balls” to his face after he showed up to his House contempt hearing Wednesday.

Biden unexpectedly showed up to the hearing where the Oversight Committee were planning to hold him in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena for a closed-door deposition. The hearing immediately turned into a debacle as Mace confronted the president’s son to his face.

“My first question is who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today? That’s my first question. Second question, you are the epitome of white privilege. Coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls to come up there and—” Mace said.

Mace was then interrupted for a point of order by congressional Democrats.

“I’m speaking! Are women allowed to speak here?” Mace asked. “Are women allowed to speak in here or no? Are women allowed to speak in here or no? Because you keep interrupting me.” (RELATED: ‘No, No, No’: Comer Spars With Reporter After Hunter Biden Defies Congressional Subpoena) 

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer demanded order in the hearing during the interruptions. Mace then called for Biden to be arrested and “go straight to jail.”

Republican Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs then condemned the interruptions and called for decorum and courtesy in the hearing. One representative then told Biggs he “just interrupted a woman.”

“I got permission. Mr. Chairman, can we agree the assertion that I interrupted is absolutely false. That’s typical of the gentleman who spoke it. I got permission to speak from the chairman, I spoke, I was interrupted yet again by the gentleman who doesn’t choose to go through the chair and follow proper order. I just, I think if we’re gonna have any respect at all, we need to have proper decorum.”

Mace continued, telling Biden he is “not above the law” after he defied the congressional subpoena.

The president’s son arrived outside of the Capitol for a Dec. 13 press conference on the day he was subpoenaed to attend the deposition. He told reporters he would testify publicly about his overseas business dealings before leaving Capitol grounds. Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan threatened to initiate contempt of congress proceedings for defying the subpoena.
