Porch Pirates Are a Big Security Problem in Canada, so the Police Are Acting Swiftly… To Protect the Privacy of the Thieves! | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

Porch Pirates Are a Big Security Problem in Canada, so the Police Are Acting Swiftly… To Protect the Privacy of the Thieves!

Canadistan is out of control.

In upside-down Justin Trudeau’s land, things have a distinct tendency to work in the inverse way that they normally should, and in fact, the very notion of normalcy seems retired from all policy-making efforts.

That applies increasingly more to law enforcement, as you would expect.

So, the French-speaking Province of Quebec is facing a ‘porch piracy’ epidemic. No deliveries are safe on their spacious porches, and citizens are scared and angry.

New York Post reported:

“’It’s something we deal with on a daily basis’, said Montreal West, councilor responsible for public security Lauren Small-Pennefather.

‘You have people that are following the vehicles, and when they see a parcel that’s dropped off, they then go and take the parcel if nobody comes to the door to retrieve the parcel’, Small-Pennefather told CTV.”

Luckily, the police were fast in reacting to protect… the privacy of the thieves. Viva!

‘We must protect the privacy of the thieves!’

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) warned local citizens against sharing footage of alleged porch thieves. Inspector Clouseau must be proud!

“’You cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember, in Canada, we have a presumption of innocence and posting that picture could be a violation of private life’, SQ communications officer Lt. Benoit Richard warned.”

The victims who disseminate pictures could face civil or criminal proceedings.

“’If you get some proof that somebody might have stolen something, call the police, give that proof to the police’, he said. ‘We’ll do the investigation, bring that person to justice and file some charges’.”

I’m just a guitarist from a distant shore, uninitiated in the sophisticated ways of those ultra-liberal lands.

However, it does strike one as unlikely that theft victims, having been berated by the police all-too concerned by image rights by thieves, will be very confident that surrendering them the images will do any good.

“The Sûreté du Québec sent Fox News Digital an email which pointed to articles 35 and 36 of the Civil Code of Québec, which state ‘every person has a right to the respect of his reputation and privacy’, and that ‘the privacy of a person may not be invaded without the consent of the person or without the invasion being authorized by law’.”

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