EXCLUSIVE: Senate GOP Conference Chair Goes On Attack Entering Final Year Of Biden’s First Term

Senate GOP Conference Chair Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming released a video Saturday morning to mark three years since President Joe Biden took office while linking him to numerous failures on economic, national security and foreign policy issues.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the video, titled “America Is Worse Off.” The video includes audio from various politicians and media personalities discussing inflation, Bidenomics, the border crisis, the withdrawal from Afghanistan and a number of other issues.

Barrasso told the Caller before the video was released that Americans are in no way better off after three years of Biden’s presidency.

“Americans are asking one simple question as we mark three years of Joe Biden’s presidency: Are we better off? The answer is no. The border, the economy, and our national security are all worse off today because of Joe Biden and Senate Democrats,” Barrasso said.

“Joe Biden began his presidency by undermining and reversing border policies that actually worked. Today, Biden’s Border Surrender has allowed 8.8 million illegal immigrants into our country. Our communities are overwhelmed and overrun,” he continued. “Several weeks later, Biden signed into law a multi-trillion dollar reckless spending bill that fueled record-high prices. Today, American families are still suffering from the effects of wasteful Washington spending – higher prices, hollowed out savings, and higher interest rates. Bidenomics is breaking families’ budgets.”


“In August 2021, the world watched President Biden’s deadly, disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. As a result, our adversaries in China, Russia, and Iran no longer fear us,” Barrasso added. “In another early decision that weakened America, Biden removed the Houthis from the federal government’s list of terrorist organizations. The Iranian-backed Houthis are now aiming at American naval vessels in the Red Sea. When America needs the Commander in Chief to stand strong, he backs down.”

“President Biden has squandered the strongest economy in our lifetime, a secure border, and peace through strength. Americans are suffering the consequences. Senate Republicans are committed to getting America back on track,” he concluded.
