Hunter Biden has received $6.5 million in loans from Kevin Morris since 2021

Kevin Morris, an entertainment lawyer and close Hunter Biden confidante, has given the first son $6.5 million in loans, including a previously unreported loan for more than $1.2 million just last month. 

In a letter to the House Oversight Committee on Friday, Morris’s attorneys detailed the money their client has transferred to Hunter Biden since his father, President Joe Biden, took office in 2021.

Those loans began in October 2021, the lawyers wrote, with a $1.4 million loan that Hunter Biden will not be required to begin paying back until 2025, after his father’s reelection bid has ended. A second loan Morris gave Hunter Biden in October 2021 for $2.6 million was used to pay tax debts, the letter said.

Morris’s testimony behind closed doors last week to the House Oversight and Judiciary committees focused heavily on the money Hunter Biden has borrowed over the past three years.

During that time, Hunter Biden’s finances were under a microscope in both a child support lawsuit in Arkansas and a yearslong criminal investigation run out of the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office. 

Special counsel David Weiss brought nine charges against Hunter Biden in early December over allegedly failing to file tax returns for several years and falsifying elements of his tax return for 2018.

Roughly three weeks after Weiss filed the charges, according to the letter Morris’s attorneys sent on Friday, Morris lent Hunter Biden an additional $1.2 million, the bulk of which Hunter Biden will not have to pay back until 2028 under the terms of the loan agreement.

Hunter Biden has struggled financially since overcoming his drug addiction and turning to his new career as an artist. 

The first son’s former gallerist said Hunter Biden’s art generated $1.5 million in sales during the roughly two years he represented Hunter Biden. Morris was responsible for more than half of those sales.

House Republicans have focused on Morris in the months since a pair of IRS whistleblowers told Congress that a former prosecutor in Weiss’s office blocked investigators from digging into whether Morris’s financial support of Hunter Biden was a campaign finance violation. GOP lawmakers voted to release an email last year that Morris wrote in February 2020 in which Morris stressed the political “risk” of any further delays in paying off Hunter Biden’s taxes

Although Morris’s lawyers said in the letter on Friday that Morris’s loans to Hunter Biden began in October 2021, prosecutors wrote in their indictment of Hunter Biden that a “personal friend” began loaning the first son money in January 2020 “to rent a lavish house on a canal in Venice, California,” as well as to make payments on Hunter Biden’s Porsche and other expenses.


“In total, the Defendant had Personal Friend pay over $1.2 million to third parties for the Defendant’s benefit from January through October 15, 2020,” the indictment said.

Morris acknowledged during his testimony last week that he paid for Hunter Biden to rent the house and to catch up on his Porsche payments during that time frame.
