FACT CHECK: No, Tom Hanks Did Not Wear A ‘Nope Not Again’ Anti-Trump Shirt

An image shared on Instagram allegedly shows Tom Hanks wearing a shirt advocating against former President Donald Trump. 

Verdict: False

The image is digitally altered. It cannot be found online through any credible source.

Fact Check:

Hanks recently stated that he has no intent to re tire anytime soon after appearing in over 80 feature films, according to Variety. He added that if a role is not “good” or “fun,” he will “stay home until the cows come on,” the outlet reported.

An Instagram image appears to show Hanks smiling, holding up a peace sign with a shirt reading “NOPE Not again.” The “O” in “NOPE” is a stylized depiction of Trump’s hair and a red tie.

“DEVELOPING: Tom Hanks posted a photo wearing a shirt that says Trump Shouldn’t get re-elected again,” the caption reads.

The image is digitally altered, however. There are no credible news reports about Hanks wearing the shirt. The image was posted by an account called “Hella Sexxy Entertainment,” which calls itself in its bio a “celebrity blog site” focusing on gossip. 

Through a reverse image search, Check Your Fact could only find the image of Hanks through GreatAwakening.win, Patriots.win and X, formerly Twitter. The original image it was edited from could not be located, but other slogans have been edited on the same photo. (RELATED: Image Circulating On Social Media Of Tom Hanks In An Anti-Trump Shirt Is Edited)

There are no instances of the image or shirt on any of his social media accounts.

Hanks has previously expressed disapproval for Trump. In 2016, he spoke out against Trump’s vulgar comments about women that were leaked in a 2005 audio, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Check Your Fact has reached out to the Instagram account that posted the image for comment and will update this piece accordingly if one is received. 

This is not the first time a fabricated image showing a celebrity wearing an anti-Trump shirt has gone viral. Check Your Fact recently debunked an edited image of Taylor Swift wearing the same shirt. 
