Video Shows Pipeline Explosion Shooting Flames 500 Feet In The Air

Video taken from the Texan Booker County Fire Department shows a pillar of fire spanning some 500 feet in the air spewing from an Oklahoman pipeline explosion Tuesday.

“Here’s another video of tonight’s pipeline fire. The flames are estimated to reach over 500 feet high,” the Booker Fire Department said in a Facebook post that had a video attached to it. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Bipartisan Group Of Lawmakers Call For Investigation Into Reported CCP ‘Attacks’ On Vital US Infrastructure)

The video showed a plume of fire and smoke arising from a pipeline. The Oklahoman Elmwood Fire Department similarly posted other images of the fire, saying “[t]he glow can be seen for miles!”

The Booker Fire Department commented that they and other departments kept their crews “at a safe distance until the gas could be turned off” in a Facebook post.

Nine agencies were dispatched in response to the gas pipeline explosion that occurred in the Oklahoma panhandle Tuesday night, ABC 7 reported. These departments were reportedly only able to contain the fires at approximately 3 a.m. Thursday morning. No one was injured in the incident, and there was insignificant damage, the Beaver County Emergency Management stated, according to ABC 7.

The affected pipeline was owned by Phillip 66 through the subsidiary DCP Mainstream, Newsweek reported. “There have been no injuries associated with the incident and no health threats to neighboring residences,” a spokesman for the company stated, the outlet reported. “Phillips 66 has shut in the affected section of pipeline and has made the appropriate regulatory notifications.”

While the pipeline rupture’s cause is unknown at this time, the spokesman reportedly stated that the first priority for the company was “ensuring the safety and health of its workers, emergency responders and the surrounding community.”
