Victor Reacts: Biden Regime Schemes to Ban the Private Sale of Firearms (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Victor Nieves

Victor Reacts: Biden Regime Schemes to Ban the Private Sale of Firearms (VIDEO)

The Biden regime is set to enact one of the greatest violations of our Second Amendment to date.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit,

Whistleblowers within the ATF have alleged the Biden regime is launching a scheme to enact an effective ban on private gun sales before the 2024 Presidential election. If successful, this would be among the most significant assaults on the 2nd Amendment in American history.

According to Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt, the ATF, at the behest of the Biden White House, has drafted a 1,300-page document justifying a rule that would “effectively” ban the sale of all private firearms.

Such a ruling would mean that if you, a law abiding American, went on a hunting trip with your best friend and wanted to buy his shotgun you would not be able to without committing a crime. Instead, you would have to involve the federal government and get their approval before making the private transaction.

The further that the federal government sinks their nails into our rights the more power they are able to exercise over us. If history teaches us anything it is that governments typically disarm their people right before doing something for which their people would fight back.

Of course the outrageous violation of our rights would come not by a law passed by congress, but instead by the stroke of the pen of the executive branch. This kind of assault on our rights is the very sort of tyranny that our founding fathers warned us about.


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Victor Nieves is a unique voice in politics. As an experienced conservative content creator and commentator, he has built an audience of over 400 thousand followers on social media platforms. Victor is the author of the book “Conservative Prudence.” He is also the host of “The Victor Nieves Show” podcast. His content has been viewed by hundreds of millions worldwide and featured on cable news, and radio stations across the country.

You can email Victor Nieves here, and read more of Victor Nieves’s articles here.

