Swedish Rape Crisis – INSANE Court Ruling! | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can follow him at PeterSweden.com.

A man got 140 hours community service for attempting to rape a woman.

Something insane just happened in Sweden. In fact, what I’m about to tell you is so insane that you probably might have a hard time believing it to be true.

Unfortunately, the following story is true. Brace yourself. You might think that Sweden is crazy, but just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it just did.

Make sure to read the whole article, because what happens to the perpetrator in this story will shock you. Of course this isn’t being reported about in the mainstream media.

As you will know if you have read my reporting, Sweden has a rape crisis. There was a whopping 52 098 reported rapes in the last 6 years. We have one of the highest rates of rape in the entire world.

All the way back in 2013, a Swedish woman was near a museum in the city of Uddevalla when she was attacked.

Two men were standing over her. One of the men pulled down her tights to rape her. Just as the attacker was about to pull down her underwear, a Norwegian man over heard her screaming “NO NO NO”.

The Norwegian man went to investigate and found her being attacked. As he approached, the attackers left her alone and ran away.

Police got DNA samples of the attackers, but never managed to catch them – Until now 10 years later.

A 27 year old man from Afghanistan was stopped in a traffic stop when the police realized his DNA matched the person who had tried to rape the woman.

The prosecutor charged the man on the 21st of June this year, however the man had then left the country. The police began an intensive chase to find the man and bring him back to Sweden. And they were successful!

An international arrest warrant was sent out and he was brought back to stand trial in Sweden.

This Monday the 27 year old man was sentenced for attempted rape.

Now, can you guess what kind of sentence the man got? Many years in prison perhaps? No…

He got 140 hours of community service.

Yes, you read that correctly. Not even prison!

The court in Uddevalla says that the reason for such a lenient sentence is because the man claimed to only have been 17 years old at the time of the crime, and that it happened 10 years ago.

The man is from Afghanistan and does not have Swedish citizenship. He also has no job.

Guess what? The court also decided that he will be allowed to stay in Sweden. The prosecutor wanted him deported, but the court denied that request. He will be allowed to stay in Sweden and is a free man after having completed 140 hours of community service.

The court says that he arrived in Sweden as a lone child refugee, which is why he is allowed to stay.

“The crime is according to the court’s opinion not such that there is now reason to deport [the man]” the court ruling said.

To make things even worse, the woman who was attacked had been raped by another man just a few years earlier. In that case, the rapist had been deported.

So here we have a person who arrived in Sweden as a “lone child refugee”. He attempted to rape a woman, and when he finally was caught by the police, the court let him off with just a few hours of community service. He didn’t even get any prison time!

And he is allowed to stay in Sweden forever.

No wonder that Sweden has a rape crisis when this is the treatment that rapists in Sweden are getting.

I have written an extensive, in-depth article on the TRUTH about the Swedish rape crisis. The mainstream media always tries to paint Sweden as a “liberal utopia”. So the fact that Sweden has one of the highest number of rapes in the world, goes contrary to their narrative, which is why they don’t talk about it.

But I will talk about it, because people need to know the truth.

If you haven’t read it already, please make sure to read my in-depth article on the truth about the Swedish rape crisis. You will not get this information anywhere else!

The truth about the Swedish rape crisis.

MAY 2, 2022

The truth about the Swedish rape crisis.

There is something terrible happening in Sweden, and for some strange reason it seems like most of the media is refusing to talk about it. Before the covid pandemic, I used to report a lot on the increasing crime that was happening in Sweden. I have been warning for many years about the rape crisis in Sweden, and I was constantly ignored. Even worse, people on the left attacked me for it, or tried to come up with some kind of excuse to try and explain away the issue.
Read full story.

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Independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen has dedicated years to reporting the things the mainstream media ignores. You can follow him at https://petersweden.com/

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