EXCLUSIVE: Former Indiana Attorney General Demands Clarity From Sen. Mike Braun On Qualified Immunity, BLM Support

Former Indiana Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill, who is also running for Governor, is demanding clarity from his opponent Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun over his past support of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and calls for the repeal of qualified immunity.

Braun recently released his public safety plan, which focuses on keeping communities safe, standing with law enforcement, securing the southern border, strengthening the criminal justice system, addressing the drug crisis, ensuring school safety and protecting qualified immunity, Fox 59 reported.

In a June 2020 interview with Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson on Fox News, Braun was pressed about his support for the BLM movement and call to end qualified immunity.

“Do you support the BLM Movement?” Braun was asked in an interview with Against The Grain podcast before going on Carlson’s show.

“I support that movement because it’s addressing an inequity that has not been solved from a grassroots level,” he responded. Carlson then pressed Braun over this endorsement.

Later in the interview, Carlson ripped Braun over his bill to scale back qualified immunity. In June 2020, Braun introduced the Reforming Qualified Immunity Act. “While qualified immunity originally was intended to defend government employees acting with good faith, the doctrine has expanded to protect those acting well-outside the law if the allegedly deprived right has not yet been ‘clearly established’ in the relevant jurisdiction,” a statement on Braun’s Senate website states.

However, in Braun’s new public safety plan, Braun said qualified immunity is a “crucial legal doctrine” that protects officers from personal liability while they are on the job, adding that officers should have “the confidence and legal safeguards they need to make decisions in the best interest of public safety.”


Full Tucker Carlson segment with Indiana Senator Mike Braun on his support of Black Lives Matter and bill to scale back qualified immunity:

“I don’t think you’re going to win on this issue. I don’t think the public supports you at all on this.” pic.twitter.com/IhTHf0Hfcs

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 30, 2020

Hill, who is running against Braun, heavily criticized Braun and his past support for BLM and previous comments opposing qualified immunity to the Caller. (RELATED: ‘How About Mike Braun Give Up His Immunity First?’: Tucker Carlson Rips GOP Senator Over Police Qualified Immunity Bill)

“Hoosiers need clarity on these comments from Senator Braun,” Hill said.

“Mike Braun’s support for Black Lives Matter and previous comments opposing qualified immunity should concern every Hoosier,” he continued. “If Braun wants to gain the trust of Hoosiers, we need to know exactly where he stands on these issues. We cannot afford to have someone who campaigns as a conservative but governs otherwise.”

“Hoosiers are hungry for proven conservative leadership with a track record standing up and defending law enforcement — history shows they’re not going to get that from Mike Braun,” Hill added.

The National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) called out Braun after the interview, saying he needs to clarify his public statements that the FOP supports his Qualified Immunity bill. “The FOP does not support the legislation,” the group stated on Twitter.

The gubernatorial primary is May 7, 2024. Braun has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump. He was also endorsed by the National Troopers Coalition.

The Caller contacted Braun’s campaign about his past statements to which they declined to comment.
