Steve Bannon After Friday’s NYC Lawfare Case Against Trump and His Sons: “They’ve Turned Over Their Face Cards – It’s Neo-Marxist, Globalist, Atheist, Demonic” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Steve Bannon After Friday’s NYC Lawfare Case Against Trump and His Sons: “They’ve Turned Over Their Face Cards – It’s Neo-Marxist, Globalist, Atheist, Demonic” (VIDEO)

On Friday, Judge Arthur Engoron released a 92-page verdict in his unprecedented Trump lawfare case, ordering President Donald Trump to pay a more than $355 million fine and barred Trump “from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in New York for a period of three years.”

President Trump’s children, Eric Trump and Donald Jr., were ordered to pay $4,013,024 each, and Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg was ordered to pay $1 million.

The Marxists are even going after the children now.

In case you didn’t notice, we are living through a communist revolution today in the United States. That is NOT an exaggeration.

On Saturday morning, Steve Bannon delivered a Sermon to America on where we are now, the seriousness of our current situation, the providence of President Donald Trump, and the future for America.

Steve Bannon: If you put up the editorial this morning in the New York Post, New York Post said that they’ve made a fatal mistake, that the enemies of Trump have made a fatal mistake because they’ve made him a martyr. By what happened yesterday, they’ve made him a martyr.

He is now more important to this country than has ever been.

I said this and I said it a while ago, and I’ll back it up. Anybody wants to debate me on this, any significant person? Not the grundoons. Not grundoons. But if you’re serious, I’ll debate you on the fact that Trump, for only a third time in the history of this republic, the fate of one individual is inextricably linked with the fate of this republic.

We had it first at the foundation of the republic with General Washington. We had it again with really the foundation of a new republic with President Lincoln and a better republic taking us up a notch, as divisive figures often do, because President Lincoln was quite divisive until his side won.

That’s exactly what we’re going to see here. President Trump is a divisive figure. I’ve never made any claim otherwise because he’s fighting the forces that would destroy this republic. And let me repeat this. President Trump and MAGA stand for the rule of law, the true blind justice, the traditional english common law, as now interpreted in the United States of America, or heretofore interpreting the United States of America based upon english common law, the rule of law.

Now we have the Reign of Outlaws. Don’t take it from me. Go back to what the French poet said. See what you see. Just watch it, because they ain’t shy about rubbing your nose in it.

Just see it and see if the reign of outlaws is what was bequeathed to you and what is your duty and what is your responsibility. It can’t all be on Trump. And I understand we ask you to do a lot, and you do do a lot. This is why you’ve attracted the world’s attention. And you’ve attracted the world’s attention, the enemies of this constitutional republic, in not a positive way, because they understand that you’re the muscle and back of President Trump…

…President Trump’s victory in 2016 was providential. I was there. I was there. I saw it with my own eyes.

It was providential. We had no money, we had no time. We had a man, we had a message, we had an aeroplane, and we had the american people in Michigan, in Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania, in Ohio, in Iowa, and all of it, they never thought he could pierce the blue wall. Remember, we were mocked and ridiculed every day by morning Joe and all of our betters, all the geniuses, as President Trump would refer to them. And we won.

And in 2020, he won again, even bigger, much bigger. But we didn’t close in the transaction because it was stolen. They told us how they were going to steal it. And that has been the railhead. That has been the railhead of all of this.

And that was providential. Remember, they stole the first election, too, because they set up the resistance or they set up the nullification project from the beginning, as now it’s coming out. You got Matt Taibi. You have all these people. Remember, Matt Taibi was one of Andrew Breitbart’s biggest foes now, but he’s seen the light.

He’s become awakened.

He’s not the Matt Taibi that used to fight Andrew Breitbart all the time. He’s kind of understood now in his life what Andrew Breitbart was actually saying.

But the second, the steal, was also providential because now we see exactly what they want to do, exactly who they are, exactly what they will do, exactly what they value. They’ve turned over their face cards, and it’s every aspect of life. Every aspect of life. Neo-Marxist, globalist, atheist, demonic. Let’s call it what it is demonic.

That’s why it was providential. God’s will works in mysterious ways.

And this is going to be quite tough. Quite tough. You’ve seen over the last 72 hours how they comport themselves, you’ve seen how they roll. This is not going to get easier, it’s only going to get harder. The forces of the modern world, of modernity, are arrayed against you, your movement and your leader.

And they will stop at nothing. There is no law that they will not break. There’s no dirty trick they won’t pull. There’s nothing they won’t do, because their objective here is to imprison. It hasn’t been obvious in the last 72 hours.

Their objective is not simply to bankrupt Trump. Their objective is to imprison him and to have him die in prison, hoping that that kills this movement. And what they fail to understand, because of your deep and abiding love for this country, is that everything they do only enrages us more, only makes us more committed to this cause, only makes us understand the stakes involved and also makes us understand that there is no compromise, none whatsoever. There couldn’t be starker. And that is why the steal was providential.

God almighty wanted us to see that, because we were blind up until then. We were blind up until then. People still talked about Republicans and Democrats and liberals and conservatives and, oh, this tax cut and this regulation. No, it’s not about any of that as it is about that, but it’s not about that. That’s the manifestations.

It’s deeper. It is far, far deeper, and you know it. And I realise it’s easy to want to look away. It’s easy to want to go do something else. It’s easy to say, I can’t just do this anymore.

I want to get back to my hobbies. I want to do this. And that’s fine. That’s okay. You have to live with yourself, and not only live with yourself, you have to make a decision as an adult of how you’re going to be judged, because you are going to be weighed and measured and judged at the end, before divine Providence.

And you are going to have to answer for yourself,

But remember, God’s will and the Holy Spirit work through human agency. It’s not some magic potion that’s going to come down here. No, it works through you. It flows through you, it flows through Trump. The media hates it when I say Trump’s a providential figure.

Preach it, Brother Steve!

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

