“Why Are We Even Here?” Steve Bannon and Jim Hoft Discuss Explosive TGP Report from Georgia that Exonerates President Trump (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

President Trump made an infamous call with SOS Brad Raffensperger and SOS official Jordan Fuchs who later lied to the WaPo about the contents of the call. She was caught when the original recording of the call was later found in her computer’s trash folder.

On Thursday The Gateway Pundit reported on the Georgia Secretary of State Office’s lie that helped rookie District Attorney Fani Willis open an investigation on President Trump back in February 2021.

Far-left DA Fani Willis launched her politicized investigation into President Trump her second month in office. Obviously, the soaring crime rate in Atlanta was not her focus these past two years.

As reported earlier — In late December 2020, President Trump made a call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger asking him to look at some of the items that were uncovered by an auditor.  There was plenty of evidence for a competent auditor or any man of integrity to know that the election was uncertifiable.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger’s associate Jordan Fuchs secretly recorded the phone call with President Trump. Raffensperger’s office later ran to the Washington Post and leaked a fraudulent transcript of the call to the anti-Trump publication.

Fuchs provided the WaPo with a fraudulent Trump quote that the paper ran with in an anti-Trump hit piece on January 9th. They planned this to do the most damage to President Trump before the second sham impeachment trial that was announced by the US Senate.

After the WaPo was caught lying to the American public, they outed Jordan Fuchs as their anonymous source for the garbage hit piece on President Trump.

At some point Raffensperger’s office deleted the audio of the call!

The audio file was later found in the “trash” folder on a laptop.

Georgia Chairman of the Republican Party David Shafer later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs lied to the Washington Post about Trump demanding that they “find the fraud.”

In February 2021 Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis opened an investigation into President Trump’s call to Brad Raffensperger following the 2020 election that was misrepresented to the Washington Post.

Her investigation was ALL based on a lie by Fuchs and Raffensperger.

They knew the Fuchs lied. They indicted President Trump and 18 of his associates anyway.

On Friday The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft joined Steve Bannon to discuss the sham investigation into President Trump and his colleagues by Fani Willis.

Jim Hoft explained the timeline to The War Room audience:

Jim Hoft: In February (2021), Fannie Willis, who is this new District Attorney in Fulton County, decided to use this phone call to start an investigation into Donald Trump. So this whole basis of this investigation into Trump and the 18 associates who were also indicted this past week, indicted and booked, it’s all based on a lie. Fanny Willis knew this. She certainly knew this. In March, a month after she started her investigation, and now here we are today…

…it was found in her trash folder she tried to delete. So there you go. And in the meantime, Fanny Willis is off and running with this investigation, which was based on Trump’s free speech. I mean, the seriousness of what happened yesterday, among several things, was the fact that now the left believes they can charge you and imprison you for wrong speech. And that should be very concerning to every American.

Steve Bannon summed up the seriousness of this report – that the entire investigation was based on a lie. And what did Fani Willis tell the Grand Jury? What version of the conversation did she share with the grand jury? The WaPo lie or the deleted audio from the trash file?

Steve Bannon: If she showed grand jury the audio that was saved, then that ought to be exculpatory. The question’s got to be, why are we even here?
