Previously, The Gateway Pundit has published Parts 1 and 2 of what should be at least a five-part series on the atrocities that have taken place in Georgia ahead of the indictments last week of President Donald Trump, his lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell, and several others whom Giuliani claimed many of whom he didn’t even know. Just this past weekend, the 8th District GOP in Georgia denied citizens access to their Fish-Fry because they had “Paper Ballots” shirts on, while at the same event, Governor Brian Kemp admitted that their voting machines can be hacked while saying Georgia elections are, in fact, transparent.
In Part 1, The Gateway Pundit revealed that the Georgia Secretary of State (GASOS) and the GASOS COO Gabriel Sterling, who left the SOS office to take a private contract with the SOS office and then returned to the SOS after the election, neglected to act on several requests to rectify a reported issue in Coffee County regarding their Dominion equipment before the Nov 3, 2020 election.
In Part 2, the mysterious ability of Dominion technicians to repair equipment without ever touching it was revealed through the sworn affidavit of now-indicted 30-year retired school teacher Cathy Latham.
Up until this point, the main focus was Coffee County, where Misty Hampton, the elections supervisor, and Cathy Latham, the 30-year retired school teacher who was chairwoman of the Coffee County GOP, were both among the indicted in Fulton County in part of DA Fani Willis’s RICO case. In the next two parts, Part 3 and 4, we will look at two complaints filed by the same individuals to the State of Georgia. One has since been acknowledged and accepted while the other sits in ‘limbo’. Combined, the two reports suggest definitively that the results in Georgia are highly questionable at the very least, and that President Trump won Georgia if these issues cannot be adequately explained by officials.
Fulton County ‘Hand-Count’ Risk-limiting Audit
Regarding Fulton County, on November 17, 2021, Governor Brian Kemp’s Office sent a letter to the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) and the Georgia Secretary of State (GASOS), Brad Raffensperger, asking them to address a review his office conducted of the work by Joe Rossi on the hand-count in Fulton County. The Gateway Pundit reported on this previously, as have several other outlets. The report showed evidence that the Fulton County hand-count had numerous double and triple counted and “misidentified” batches of votes, yet somehow the results were in line with original machine count. You can read Governor Kemp’s full report on Rossi’s findings here.
According to a Supplemental Declaration submitted in Curling v. Raffensperger in February 2021, Fulton County’s hand count showed 525,293 ballots counted in total, while the original machine count claimed 524,659 ballots, for a difference of just 634 ballots. This added a net gain of 345 votes (0.066%) for President Trump.
In reality, however, the difference between the two counts suggests much larger disparities than 634 votes. The hand-count would have netted President Trump closer to 4,100 votes, or 35% of the margin of victory. This is based off just one county out of 159 that accounted for just over 10% of the vote for the whole state.
The reports remarkably revealed 36 inconsistencies that account for the difference in vote totals. While the hand-recount was not used as the official results, it does beg the question why the numbers were so different from the original machine count. But more importantly: why the hand recount, with all of the double and triple counted batches as well as the misidentified batches, somehow confirmed the original machine count. That was never explained, and we’re left believing that the errors in Fulton County conveniently made the risk-limiting audit agreeable.
Kemp’s letter states “To date, the complaint outlined below is the only instance where a complainant has referred an issue to my office and provided all requested information for me and my staff to fully evaluate its veracity.” This statement will be relevant for Part 4.
Rossi’s review of “thousands of ballot images, audit tally sheets, and other data” yielded 36 inconsistencies that “could not be explained by my office after a thorough review”. He then went on to make some recommendations, one of which was to:
“Direct investigators to review Mr. Rossi’s findings, just as my office has, and order corrective action as needed to address any verified errors.”

The SEB entered into a Consent Order with the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections (FCBRE) on June 8th, 2023 regarding this report. In that order, it states “Respondent denies any willful misconduct but desire that the above-captioned case be resolved in its entirety in order to avoid further litigation.” The order also has a footnote that claims the case was “voted to bind the case over to the Attorney General’s office” in March 2022.
The Consent Order does not specifically, and perhaps deliberately, mention the number of votes effected by these findings, only that it was “36 inconsistencies.” The order states that the Secretary of State’s investigations division conducted a “thorough investigation” the results of which showed “Fulton County elections staff misidentified and duplicated audit batch sheet data when entering the data into the Arlo software used by the Secretary of State’s office to manage the risk-limiting audit.”
The conclusion the investigators came to was that “the reported inconsistencies were the result of human error in entering the data, which were not discovered in time to make corrections due to time limitations in completing the risk-limiting audit and the sheer amount of ballots, and not due to intentional misconduct by Fulton County elections staff.” But if you look at the batches themselves in the report, there are many instances of the totals not just being duplicated, but also being inaccurate from the original to the duplicate scan(s). However, the “investigation” by the SOS has been described by affiliated parties as establishing that Fulton County BRE was at fault rather than the SOS office, and then passing it off to the Attorney General.
According to a press release from on December 3, 2020, the Georgia Secretary of State “forced Georgia counties to enter their audit results into a centralized ARLO system rather than their own data sources. That broke the audit reporting chain and allowed the SOS office to tell counties what their results are rather than counties reporting their results to the state using generally accepted American election reporting principles.” VoterGA also mentions that they polled all 159 counties and “roughly 150 of them had no electronic totals for their own hand count audit.”
The press release also states that “ARLO was supported in Georgia by VotingWorks, whose founder Ben Adida posted anti-Trump profanity on social media.” The post states “F*** Donald Trump and all his enablers.” Ben Adida is still listed as the Executive Director of VotingWorks.
Part 4 of this series will dig into another complaint filed by Joe Rossi and Kevin Moncla, and referred to the SEB by Governor Kemp’s office that reveals outcome-changing disparities, again in Fulton County, and the State’s frantic efforts to obfuscate the report from lawful due process.
The Election Integrity movement is up against hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from corporate elites, Leftist non-profits, and foreign money. If you would like to support this grassroots effort, you can donate here.