ROOKE: Rich MSNBC Liberals Are Laughing Their Way To Their Worst Nightmare

Former Biden White House Press Secretary turned MSNBC pundit Jen Psaki and her colleague Rachel Maddow were attacked with the giggles after exit polling showed illegal immigration was the top issue among Virginia Super Tuesday voters.

“I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue,” Psaki said Tuesday night.

“Well, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia!” Maddow responded as all the panelists laughed, while one joked that it was time to “build the wall.”

MSDNC panel mocks the fact immigration is a top issue for voters across the country@jrpsaki: “I live in Virginia. Immigration was the number one issue…you’re thinking like what?!”@JoyAnnReid: *laughs*@maddow: “Well, Virginia does have a border with West Virginia!”

— Chad Gilmartin (@ChadGilmartinCA) March 6, 2024

For some reason, they thought it was comical that people in Virginia would be worried about the effects of President Joe Biden’s open border policies. It’s almost as if they are just as out of touch with mainstream Americans as they constantly accuse Conservatives of being. But their hubris will end in Republican gain, with former President Donald Trump surging ahead of Biden in 2024. (ROOKE: Texas Revives The Alamo Spirit With Fat Middle Finger To Joe Biden’s Face)

Trump ran on closing the border and putting Americans first in 2016. Longtime Democratic strategist Stanley Greenberg warned in 2022 that it was this Trump tactic that won him four years in the White House, and it would be Democrats who are unable to see the writing on the wall that would be responsible for the loss in party support among working-class Americans.

In his piece, he blames former President Barack Obama for failing to “give voice to the hurt and anger that working-class voters were feeling” by the terrible economy. In 2016, Obama was asking blue-collar workers from the rustbelt to turn out to vote after decimating their industries with regulations and illegal immigration.

Reporting by @JennieSTaer for the @DailyCaller NF discussed on the show.

EXCLUSIVE: Man Who Allegedly Defrauded Elderly American Out Of Thousands Of Dollars Was In The US Illegally

— Mary Rooke (@MaryRooke_) January 20, 2024

There was a fundamental disconnect between voter and political class that Trump capitalized on in 2016, and it looks like the momentum is there for him to do it again. As much as these rich “girl boss” liberals wished issues like abortion or the war in Gaza were the top issue driving voters to the polls, the reality is that three years of the Biden Administration has left Americans stressed, poor, and unsafe in large part to the massive influx of illegal immigrants.

While border states like Texas are still on the front lines of the illegal immigrant invasion, the rest of the continental United States has undoubtedly become aware of the damaging effects of Biden’s open border policies. (ROOKE: Biden’s Border Crisis Exposed America’s Dirty Foreign Agent Secret)

Just 30 minutes from Psaki’s safe, million-dollar home in Arlington, Virginia, an illegal immigrant killed a 2-year-old who was playing in his stroller. Not to mention the 14-year-old Virginia girl who was allegedly raped by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela.

Jen Psaki & Rachel Maddow owe Jeremy Poou-Caceres’s family an apology.

He was a 2-year-old just killed by an illegal alien less than a 30 minute drive away from Psaki’s $1.7 million home in Arlington, Virginia.

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 6, 2024

The parents of Laken Riley, the Georgia college student who was raped and murdered allegedly by an illegal immigrant, are still too deep in mourning to accept the invitation of Rep. Mike Collins as his guest to the State of the Union. Riley’s accused attacker was reportedly apprehended but released by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol when he illegally entered the U.S. through the southern border.

Laken Riley saw one. It was the last one she saw

— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) March 6, 2024

Americans, no matter their state of residence, understand one of the greatest threats to the U.S. is unchecked illegal immigration. The Daily Caller News Foundation reported exclusively in January that federal authorities apprehended a Somali terrorist from the al-Shabaab terror group at the California border. He was released and allowed to travel into the interior United States before the U.S. government arrested him in Minnesota.

Over 170 terror watchlist suspects were found by Border Patrol attempting to cross the border in 2023. The Biden Administration recently admitted to flying over 320,000 thousand “asylum seekers” from Mexico into the interior of the United States to avoid them being counted.

And another by @JennieSTaer for @DailyCaller
Blue State Court Released Illegal Migrant Accused Of Raping Disabled Person

— Mary Rooke (@MaryRooke_) January 20, 2024

Even without the tragedies brought by criminals and gangs from other countries, American workers can feel the effect millions of newly available cheap labor have on their wages and job prospects. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report projecting that the “downward pressure” on American real wages will continue until at least 2027 and could be felt as long as 2034. (ROOKE: One Big Thing Americans Can Learn From Tucker’s Putin Interview)

Of course, Psaki and her co-panelists don’t have to worry about any of the rapes, murders, or economic “downward pressure” because they enjoy bloated salaries from failing media corporations that afford them to live in areas largely free from these perils. When you allow yourself to be the mouthpiece of the elites and push the policies that directly benefit them, as Psaki and Maddow do, it’s easy to ignore the harsh realities and only see illegal immigration as the abundance of cheap slave laborers.

Say his name: Christopher Gadd (27)

Christopher was a State Patrol Trooper in the state of Washington. He was married and the dad of a 2 year old girl.

He was kiIIed Saturday by an illegal with a long criminal history named Raul Benitez Santana, who came from Mexico at an…

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 5, 2024

They’ll act surprised in November when their fellow Americans vote for safety and prosperity over chaos and open borders. Their panelists will describe rural whites as racist xenophobes who voted for Trump because of their fear of brown people. All while ignoring the deaths like Laken Riley because it doesn’t fit their narrative.
