State of the Union 2024: Katie Britt warns against reelecting a ‘dithering and diminished’ Biden – Washington Examiner

Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) plans to have a “tough conversation” with the public in her response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday night.

The president will use his speech, the last before voters decide whether to give him a second term as president, to argue his policies have delivered relief to Americans facing the effects of inflation and draw a contrast with Republicans on issues ranging from abortion access to taxes.

Britt, 42 and the youngest Republican woman ever elected to the Senate, pointed to her experience as a mother of two to urge voters to reject Biden at the polls in November.

“Tonight, the American family needs to have a tough conversation, because the truth is, we’re all worried about the future of our nation,” Britt said in her speech excerpts. “The country we know and love seems to be slipping away. It feels like the next generation will have fewer opportunities – and less freedom – than we did. I worry my own children may not even get a shot at living their American Dreams.”

“The true, unvarnished State of our Union begins and ends with this: Our families are hurting. Our country can do better,” she added.

The Alabama senator, who is considered a rising star in the party, said that Biden is “not in command. The free world deserves better than a dithering and diminished leader. America deserves leaders who recognize that secure borders, stable prices, safe streets, and a strong defense are the cornerstones of a great nation.”

Instead, Britt says that the GOP can offer voters a chance at the American dream if they switch course in November.

“There is no doubt we’re at a crossroads,” Britt said. “We all feel it. But here’s the good news: we the People are still in the driver’s seat. We get to decide whether our future will grow brighter, or whether we settle for an America in decline. Well, I know which choice our children deserve – and the choice the Republican Party is fighting for.”


Britt is considered a rising star in the party. She serves on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) leadership team as well as several high-profile committees, including the Senate Appropriations Committee, where she sits on the top Republican on the Homeland Security subcommittee. 

Britt, a practicing attorney, served as former Sen. Richard Shelby’s chief of staff before running for the seat upon his retirement.

David Sivak contributed to this report.
