ROOKE: The 2024 Election Is Set: Insult Comic Vs. Feeble Old Man

President Joe Biden’s campaign strategy to beat former President Donald Trump is apparently to goad him into publicly lashing out. But in a schoolyard fight, the befuddled, forgetful one is hardly a match for the quick-witted, charismatic guy who can make even the most unconventional insult work.

Biden doesn’t want to focus on the economy or immigration despite those issues being among American voters’ top concerns going into the 2024 election. Instead, Biden and his pals told The New Yorker that the president wants to force Trump to lash out at Biden over the 2020 election and Jan. 6.

Biden continues to fumble. Here he says twice that the US intends to airlift humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Later the WH had to cover for him, saying that he meant Gaza.

Gaffes aside: There is no need for US intervention to supply this assistance. It’s all a political ploy to…

— Marc Zell (@GOPIsrael) March 2, 2024

This is a good strategy in theory. Especially since Biden is a Democratic candidate who will have the aid of a friendly media class acting as his personal stenographers, penning puff pieces that claim his provocations are landing. (ROOKE: Rich MSNBC Liberals Are Laughing Their Way To Their Worst Nightmare)

However, this is Donald J. Trump vs. Joseph R. Biden. In a battle of words, Biden will not make it out alive.

After all, Biden is up against Trump, the man who made nicknames like “puddin’ fingers” and “Rob DeSanctimonious” stick like well-done pasta to a wall. Before the Republican primaries began, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was seen as the formidable opponent with a solid shot at breaking Trump’s chokehold on the GOP. But in true Mar-a-Lago fashion, Trump was able to quickly reduce him to a meme with no clear path to victory.


Trump’s thoughts on Ron DeSanctimonious and Disney

— The Trump Train 🚂🇺🇸 (@The_Trump_Train) May 29, 2023

This does not bode well for Biden, who has less of a chance of landing punches on Trump than DeSantis did.

New York Times columnist Ezra Klein told The New Yorker he questions Biden’s ability to stick to a grueling campaign schedule. “Whether it is true that Biden has it all under control, it is not true that he seems like he does,” he said.

Video has emerged of Joe Biden falling on his bike — while stopping to talk in Delaware this morning.

— Carolina Opinion (@CarolinaOpinion) June 18, 2022

He is not the only one worried after the Feb. 8 release of special counsel Robert Hur’s report on Biden’s mishandling of classified documents. Hur called Biden “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” after classified documents were discovered in several of Biden’s public offices and home garage (that he — at one point — shared with his son Hunter Biden).

Biden’s plan for defending himself was to hold a press conference where he insisted that “I’m well-meaning, and I’m an elderly man, and I know what the hell I’m doing” before proceeding to mix up Mexico and Egypt. Nothing Biden does lands quite right. (ROOKE: DC Republicans Prove The Swamp Is As Infested And Useless As Ever)

“My memory is fine”: During a last-minute evening press conference, President Biden strongly disputed some of the findings in special counsel Robert Hur’s report, taking particular issue with comments about his memory.

— CBS Mornings (@CBSMornings) February 9, 2024

Take his recent State of the Union address. While his cadence was better than expected, it still came off as an angry old man yelling at the neighbor’s kids to stay off his lawn.

The few times Biden went off script ended badly for him. There was the moment when Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene demanded that Biden say the name of Georgia college student Laken Riley, who was brutally murdered by an alleged illegal immigrant. Biden fumbled her name, saying “Lincoln” instead of “Laken” (it was so obvious that even the NYT wrote “Lincoln” in its transcript), and much to the chagrin of his radical base, he called her killer an “illegal.”

JUST IN: Laken Riley’s mother, Allyson Philips, is furious after President Joe Biden botched her daughter’s name during the State of the Union speech.

Biden said he “did” know Riley’s name but then referred to her as “Lincoln Riley.”

Philips fumed in a Facebook comment where…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) March 8, 2024

His base, party leaders, and pundits were in shock not that Riley was murdered but that Biden would use the term illegal instead of undocumented.

California Democrat Senator @LaphonzaB on Joe Biden calling Laken Riley’s killer an “illegal”:

“It’s unfortunate that the president used that language.”

— Conservative War Machine (@WarMachineRR) March 8, 2024

Another off-the-cuff moment for Biden started with him claiming that Republicans wanted to give major corporations tax breaks, but the yells and screams of the GOP members forced him to retract and apologize. Even with a smile from Biden, that moment became a small GOP win.

Biden only survives when he can read off the teleprompter. The moment he veers into the open steppes of his mind, he either gives his opponent credit or makes his rabid voter base mad. (ROOKE: So-Called Republicans Are Helping Biden Gaslight Americans)

The exact opposite is true with Trump. Some of his best material comes when he looks away from his carefully prepared remarks and delivers a perfect one-liner. Biden stumbles on his words and often forgets what he is supposed to be talking about. If a moment like that happens, Trump will have no choice but to pounce.

If Biden wants to fight with the smash-mouth politician from New York, he has every right, but don’t say he wasn’t warned.
