Hero Governor Glenn Youngkin VETOES Democrat Bill that Would Force Virginia to Re-Enter ERIC Voter Roll Management System – Democrats in a Panic! Why Is That?

In January 2022, The Gateway Pundit first started our viral series of reports on the Eric System.

The reports went completely viral and were shared by grassroots groups and were then passed on to state officials who took election integrity seriously.

** ERIC Part 1: Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? ERIC Now in 31 States
** ERIC Part 2: Largest U.S. Counties Removed ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters
** ERIC Part 3: The Founding of the Nation’s Largest Voter Roll Clean-up Operation
** ERIC Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks

The series of reports focused on ERIC’s lack of transparency, lack of reforms, and bias. We also pointed out how ERIC was created to clean the voter rolls but this never happened. The voters rolls were never cleaned up in the ERIC states. A good example of this is Wisconsin – a state that uses the ERIC system yet has 7.06 million registered voters in a state with 3.6 million eligible voters!

Obviously, the ERIC system is not working.

It was later discovered that ERIC founder David Becker was sharing ERIC content in 2020 with leftist groups during the presidential election.

BOMBSHELL! Emails Show ERIC Was SHARING Voter Information With Third-Party Group Tied To Zuckerberg In 2020 Election

It was The Gateway Pundit that launched the attack on ERIC and for good reason.

Following our reports and work performed by fellow conservative groups, roughly one-third of ERIC members decided to leave ERIC since our first report was released. This was a huge concern for the radical left.  For some reason (we all can guess why!) they depend on a sharing system like ERIC for successful elections.

In May 2023, Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s administration pulled Virginia out of the ERIC System. The move made Virginia the eighth state to leave the Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC.  Texas later followed to become the 9th state to leave ERIC.

States on the ERIC System. From 32 to 23 since the 2020 election.

This was a major blow to the Democrat Party who relies on bloated voter rolls to win elections – why is that?

But now Democrats are fighting back!
Virginia Democrats this week are “forcing” Governor Youngkin to re-enter the ERIC system!

Governor Youngkin had until Friday to sign the bill and re-enter ERIC.

But that didn’t happen. Governor Youngkin VETOED the bill instead!

On Friday Governor Youngkin vetoed the Democrat Party’s attempt to re-enter ERIC.

From the governor’s official website.

March 8th, 2024 TO: SENATE OF VIRGINIA

Pursuant to Article V, Section 6, of the Constitution of Virginia, I veto Senate Bill 606, which requires the Commissioner of Elections to apply for, enter into, and maintain membership in the Electronic Registration Information Center.

The decision for the Commonwealth to exit the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) in 2023 was a result of persistent management issues, improper data use, escalating costs, and the inability to meet statutory requirements for border state information sharing.

ERIC’s reluctance to implement reforms and address a bipartisan working group of member states concerns reflects a departure from its core mission of improving voter roll accuracy, which called into question Virginia’s continued participation.

This is particularly concerning due to the controversy surrounding ERIC’s sharing of personal information with external organizations. These organizations are funded by sources that the General Assembly has on a bipartisan basis prohibited Virginia’s election officials from accepting.

The financial burden of rejoining ERIC includes membership fees, which have increased more than 115% since 2022, and participation expenses. ERIC’s mandatory Eligible but Unregistered mailing will cost the Commonwealth hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is superfluous considering Virginia’s Department of Motor Vehicles’ automatic registration policies and sameday registration for voting.

Since leaving ERIC, Virginia established data-sharing agreements with numerous states incurring no additional costs. Additionally, the Department of Elections has increased its data sources by collaborating with forty-one states to obtain driver’s license surrender data, while ERIC only provides data sharing with twenty-five states.

I have been explicitly clear about my affirmation of the legitimacy of our elections. My focus is safeguarding Virginians’ private information and continuously improving an efficient, costeffective voter registration system.

Accordingly, I veto the bill.

Democrats are no doubt in a panic over this move by Youngkin

It is crystal clear why Democrats want back in ERIC.
And it’s not because of voter integrity!

** You can write Governor Youngkin and thank him for his veto here if you have time!

The post Hero Governor Glenn Youngkin VETOES Democrat Bill that Would Force Virginia to Re-Enter ERIC Voter Roll Management System – Democrats in a Panic! Why Is That? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
