Portugal’s Right Wing ‘Chega’ Party Poised to Double Its Parliament Seats and Become ‘Kingmaker’ in Sunday’s Elections | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

Portugal’s Right Wing ‘Chega’ Party Poised to Double Its Parliament Seats and Become ‘Kingmaker’ in Sunday’s Elections

Outdor for Chega (Enough) Party: ‘Shame! Portugal needs a cleaning.’

2024 is widely expected to be an year when right wing parties will make big electoral gains in most European countries.

Portugal is no exception to the rule, as tomorrow’s national elections may bring about a seismic political shift – with the populist party Chega (Enough) looking primed to double its vote results and solidify its position as third biggest party.

Because of its common-sense proposals on immigration and economic matters, ‘Chega’ has been inevitably been called ‘controversial’ and ‘far-right’.

For decades, highly corrupt centre-left and centre-right parties have ruled the small country in the Atlantic coast, but recent corruption scandals and the poor economic performance have put ‘Chega’ in a position to play a pivotal role.

Agnese Ortolani, Economist, explained to UK’s Express:

“The far-right populist Chega (Enough), the third-largest party, looks set to make the biggest gains at the election.”

The centre-left Socialist Party and centre-right Social Democratic Party, both mired in corruption allegations, have traditionally alternated in power.”

Tomorrow’s snap election was triggered by the resignation of Socialist Prime Minister António Costa, embroiled in a corruption investigation.

A right-wing coalition including the ‘Chega’ party may prove the only way for the centre-right PSD party to govern.

“Despite PSD leader Luís Montenegro ruling out any post-election agreement with Chega, opinion polls suggest that such an alliance might be necessary for the centre-right party to govern effectively.

Chega, led by André Ventura, has positioned itself as a champion against corruption, advocating for stricter immigration rules, economic populism and a range of controversial measures. Ortolani noted: ‘Chega blends economic populism with tougher security and immigration rules. Its potential inclusion in or support for an AD-led right-wing coalition would shift policy further to the right’.”

Chega’s leader Andre Ventura.

Telegraph reported:

“A former trainee priest and football pundit is set to pull off a spectacular result in Portugal’s general elections, with polls predicting his party will double its seats and bring far-Right politics back into the mainstream for the first time in half a century.

André Ventura, who has also been a law lecturer, a tax inspector and a member of the centre-Right PSD, has taken just five years to make Chega (Enough) into a major political force.

His party is expected to win at least 15 per cent in Sunday’s vote, doubling its previous result and easily putting it in third place.

That means that although Portugal’s biggest parties have so far ruled out working with Chega over fears that Mr. Ventura, 41, is too extreme, he may still become kingmaker in a new parliament.”

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Paul Serran is a Brazilian writer and musician, completing his first year as a contributor to The Gateway Pundit. He has written books, articles, TV programs, documentaries, plays. He joined the ‘Information war’ in 2017 and started writing for an international – predominantly American – audience. Unbanned in X | Truth Social | Telegram Channel

You can email Paul Serran here, and read more of Paul Serran’s articles here.

