Candace Owens has lost her mind – Washington Examiner

I used to be a fan of Candace Owens. When she first came onto the political scene in 2016. She made many good points and said a lot of the things that needed to be said but that many people on the Right were too afraid to say.

This was especially true regarding cultural topics and race matters. I enjoyed her articulate assertiveness. But as her fame grew, so, too, did her ego, and she was no longer the political commentator I enjoyed. It seemed she went from being about right-wing cultural topics to being about Candace Owens, a dedicated conspiracy theorist.

Fame corrupting people and changing them is nothing new. It’s a phenomenon that’s been around forever. Nevertheless, Owens seemed to veer off to an odd, weird, and puzzling path. She went from a woman with gravitas to a woman with tinfoil hats on her head. She began promoting conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory and was doing little, if anything, for the political movement that gave her a following. 

On Tuesday, she hit a point of no return. She claimed that Brigitte Macron, the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, was not really a woman but instead a biological man. Owens was so sure of this embarrassing claim that she would bet her career on it. She then claimed that any journalist who doubted her was “establishment.”

“This episode is blowing up so I just want to say — After looking into this, I would stake my entire professional reputation on the fact that Brigitte Macron is in fact a man,” Owens posted on X on Tuesday. “Any journalist or publication that is trying to dismiss this plausibility is immediately identifiable as establishment. I have never seen anything like this in my life. The implications here are terrifying.”

Well, I guess I am establishment, then, because Owens’s claim is absolutely bonkers. And bonkers is probably an understatement. There may not be enough words in the English language to describe how absurd this claim is. I am not entirely sure why she went down this path or even cares about Brigitte Macron. It has nothing to do with the country and doesn’t affect any American in any way.

And, most importantly, none of what she said is remotely true. Brigitte Macron is not a man, has never been a man, and will never be a man. Most importantly, Candace Owens has no evidence to prove her claims. Unfortunately, Candace Owens has lost her mind. Owens suggesting this nonsense does nothing to help the ideological and cultural movements she claims she supports. It is not productive and extremely detrimental to the cause. She just made herself look like an unreliable and untrustworthy clown.


Unfortunately, such things do nothing but discredit anything Owens ever said. All of the very valid points she made and will probably continue to make in the future will now be overshadowed by this drivel. She will be branded as a lunatic, which will be weaponized to delegitimize her political beliefs and any good idea Owens ever had. Instead, she will be viewed as a court jester and not the serious person fighting for change she once was. 

It’s a sad turn of events for a once-bright star. Owens went from a sophisticated political pundit to a baseless conspiracy gossiper, usually reserved for the newspapers people read in grocery store checkout lines. At this point, no one should be shocked if her next claim is that she really saw Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or had lunch with Tupac Shakur. 
