Serial Liar Adam Schiff Snaps at Special Counsel Hur After Declaring Biden ‘Unfit for Office’ in DOJ Report — Suggests Hur Should’ve Provided Different Version of the Report Fit for Public Release (VIDEO)

Tensions flared in Congress Tuesday as Special Counsel Robert Hur testified regarding the investigation into Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents.

During a fiery exchange, Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) criticized Hur for the language used in the Justice Department’s report, which he claimed was prejudicial against Biden.

Hur, who had previously released a comprehensive 345-page report last month, found in his investigation that the classified documents were haphazardly stored at the Penn Biden Center and in President Biden’s Delaware residence.

“My team and I conducted a thorough, independent investigation. We identified evidence that the President willfully retained classified materials after the end of his vice presidency, when he was a private citizen,” Hur said in his opening statement.

“This evidence included an audio- recorded conversation during which Mr. Biden told his ghostwriter that he had “just found all the classified stuff downstairs.” When Mr. Biden said this, he was a private citizen speaking to his ghostwriter in his private rental home in Virginia. We also identified other recorded conversations during which Mr. Biden read classified information aloud to his ghostwriter,” he added.

Biden wasn’t charged for reading classified information to his ghostwriter because jurors could conclude his actions were “unintentional.” Also, The Justice Department defended not bringing charges against Biden because he is a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

My report reflects my best effort to explain why I declined to recommend charging President Biden.

“My task was to determine whether the President retained or disclosed national defense information “willfully”—meaning, knowingly and with the intent to do something the law forbids. I could not make that determination without assessing the President’s state of mind. For that reason, I had to consider the President’s memory and overall mental state, and how a jury likely would perceive his memory and mental state in a criminal trial,” said Hur.

Schiff, who was censured by his colleagues for misleading the entire country about the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, accused Hur of making a “political choice” by releasing a report he deemed overly prejudicial towards Joe Biden.

Schiff argued that Hur could have lied and presented the findings in a manner less damaging to Biden, especially since Biden was not “charged.”

“What you did write was deeply prejudicial to the interest of the president. You say it wasnt political, and yet you must have understood, you must have understood the impact of your words. You must have understood the impact of your decision to go beyond the specifics, a particular document, to go to the very general, to your own personal, prejudicial, subjective opinion of the president, one you knew would be amplified by his political opponent, one you knew that would influence a political campaign. You had to understand that. And you did it anyway,” said frustrated Schiff.

In his defense, Hur reiterated the scope of his duty, which was to prepare a comprehensive report. He pushed back against the notion that he intended to prejudice the subject of the investigation or sway political outcomes.

“What you are suggesting is that I needed to provide a different version of my report that would be fit for public release. That is nowhere in the rules. I was to prepare a confidential report that was comprehensive and thorough…,” said Hur.

“What is in the rules, Mr. Hur, is you don’t gratuitously do things to prejudice the subject of an investigation when you’re declining to prosecute,” Schiff retorted.

“You don’t gratuitously add language that you know will be useful in a political campaign. You were not born yesterday. You understood exactly what you were doing. It was a choice. You certainly didn’t have to include that language,” he added.

Schiff was mad that Hur told the truth in his report.


The post Serial Liar Adam Schiff Snaps at Special Counsel Hur After Declaring Biden ‘Unfit for Office’ in DOJ Report — Suggests Hur Should’ve Provided Different Version of the Report Fit for Public Release (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
