Another FBI Operative Identified on US Capitol Grounds on Jan. 6, 2021 – At Least 21 Confirmed Incidents of Feds, FBI Agents, and State Operatives Who Infiltrated Trump Crowds That Day

FBI agents infiltrating the crowd of Trump supporters on January 6, 2021. The FBI later admitted they lost track of how many operatives they had embedded in the crowds that day.

The House Administration Committee released new footage today from Camera 7231 on January 6, 2021.

The video shows a man described as an active-duty FBI colleague of former FBI liaison to Capitol Police Officer John Guandolo.

The FBI agent is seen clapping his hands and sying “this is huge” as protesters ran up the east steps of the US Capitol on January 6.

This footage was published by Free State Will.

As reported earlier, the FBI lost track of how many operatives and paid informants they had in the Trump crowd on January 6, 2021.

As reported earlier — There were at least 20 confirmed and documented incidents involving dozens of feds, FBI agents, and state operatives leading the charge and embedded in the crowd on January 6.

Dozens if not hundreds of government operatives infiltrated the protests at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Below is an ever expanding list of government operatives The Gateway Pundit and others identified working inside the massive Trump crowd at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.  The Gateway Pundit continues to add to this list as we learn more about the planned and choreographed #FedSurrection.

INCIDENT 1: The FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys — and their informant exonerated the Proud Boys of any conspiracy

In July 2022 TGP contributor Cara Castronuova released whistleblower documents, text messages, and audio transcripts of FBI informant James Knowles’s communications with his FBI handlers on January 6. The evidence exonerates Trump supporters and the Proud Boys of any conspiracy or planning to storm the US Capitol, to enter the US Capitol, or to overthrow official proceedings.

The evidence reported by Cara at The Gateway Pundit was explosive.

IT DID NOT HAPPEN as we all know.
Now we have the proof!

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS Attempt To Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – But He Recorded The Conversation!

The FBI had the evidence that there was “no conspiracy” or plans made by the Proud Boys and others to invade and take control of the US Capitol.  The FBI ignored this information from their own operative.  They ran with lies about an insurrection instead.

INCIDENT 2: The FBI was recruiting men and women to infiltrate the crowds and work as operatives prior to January 6

Veteran and former Green Beret Jeremy Brown (on right) and the FBI agents who came to his home to recruit him as an operative on January 6. (left)

On Thursday afternoon, September 30th, at 3:45 PM Eastern the FBI raided Jeremy Brown’s home and arrested Jeremy. The charge is trespassing. The FBI sent 20 vehicles for his arrest. DHS and Pinellas County law enforcement were also present. The FBI was in Jeremy’s home for 5-and-a-half hours looking for evidence.

The FBI searched his house, RV, and trailer. Then they arrested Jeremy and took him away.

Jeremy’s family contacted The Gateway Pundit the next morning.

** You can support Jeremy Brown’s fundraising effort here.  

Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.

Jeremy Brown NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6. His actual crime was refusing to be an FBI informant as we describe below.

Not only did Jeremy refuse to work as an FBI informant on January 6th, he went public with photos and audio of the conversations he had with agents.

As we reported months ago, Jeremy Brown refused to be an informant for the dirty FBI — They wanted him to be one of their operatives at the Jan. 6 Trump rallies.

According to an earlier TGP report:

The FBI called Jeremy’s cellphone and asked for a meeting after trying to contact him at his house. Jeremy then met with the FBI agents at a restaurant in Ybor City in December. He told Brandon Gray that 38 seconds into the interview the FBI attempted to recruit him to spy on the Oath Keepers.


Jeremy refused to be an FBI informant so they stormed his home and arrested him on bogus misdemeanor charges months after the Jan. 6 protests.

Jeremy Brown still sits in jail today a year later – an innocent man who committed no crimes.

INCIDENT 3: FBI wiretapped friends and family members, including children, to spy on January 6 protesters.

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS Attempt To Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – But He Recorded The Conversation!

INCIDENT 4: Luke Robinson — AKA ‘Ginger Gun’ the armed J6 protester with earpiece — dropped from FBI most wanted list.

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS Attempt To Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – But He Recorded The Conversation!

INCIDENT 5: AT LEAST 20 undercover FBI and ATF operatives and 3 undercover police officers were running operations in the crowd on January 6

The FBI finally admitted in September 2021 to The New York Times that they were running informants and operatives inside groups attending the January 6 rallies in Washington DC.

In fact, one of the first “protesters” inside the US Capitol was an FBI informant.

What a surprise!

There is also evidence that the US Capitol Police were also running informants and operatives inside the Trump crowd including members who entered the US Capitol with the protesters.

Now we learn that at least 20 assets from the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives were embedded in the crowds at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

INCIDENT 6: Ray Epps? 

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS Attempt To Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – But He Recorded The Conversation!

INCIDENT 7: Disappearing Feds from FBI List – Megan Paradise!

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS Attempt To Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – But He Recorded The Conversation!

Why has the FBI not followed up on several violent protesters who were caught on video?

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: FBI and DHS Attempt To Recruit Former Green Beret to Infiltrate and Spy on Oath Keepers, Proud Boys – But He Recorded The Conversation!

INCIDENT 8: DOJ finally admits they were running Confidential Human Sources inside the Oath Keepers organization on January 6th

We discovered this less than a week before their sham trials in Washington, DC where they are already determined to be guilty as charged.

Fed-Surrection Update: Rotten FBI Agents Even Befriended J6 Protester and Tried to Convince Him to Create or Use Molotov Cocktails

INCIDENT 9: Former DEA Agent was PRESSURED to go inside US Capitol on January 6th by an Informant “friend” he was with.

Fed-Surrection Update: Rotten FBI Agents Even Befriended J6 Protester and Tried to Convince Him to Create or Use Molotov Cocktails

We may never know how many confidential human sources the government was running in the massive crowd on January 6th.

We know there were dozens of operatives in the crowd.

INCIDENT 10:  The FBI admitted in November 2022 that they were running at least 8 informants inside the Proud Boys in the months leading to January 6.

Was the FBI leading the insurrection?

INCIDENT 11: At least 3 FBI operatives or cutouts were speaking on the Oath Keepers “walkie-talkie” app used by the Oath Keepers on January 6th. They were THE ONLY ONES calling for violence!

We now know their names from the app: The government expressed little interest in identifying those behind the screennames on this chat-including 1% Watchdog, General Mark Davis CFA, and iWatchDirectorLaureen.

For some reason they were never questioned and the DOJ did not identify them at trial.

INCIDENT 12: The tactical commander for the US Capitol Police admitted under oath that agitators who were highly trained ripped down fencing prior to the protest at the US Capitol on January 6.

Fed caught on camera taking down perimeter fence so the FBI could later arrest Trump supporters.

Fed-Surrection Update: Rotten FBI Agents Even Befriended J6 Protester and Tried to Convince Him to Create or Use Molotov Cocktails

INCIDENT 13: Several (6 or 7) undercover police were filmed flashing their badges to other DC police in bodycam footage on January 6.

INCIDENT 14: Capitol Hill police officer tells fellow police the undercover cops have thin wristbands on. He’s not sure what color they are.

This was a highly coordinated government operation.

INCIDENT 15: FBI embedded a federal operative INSIDE THE DEFENSE TEAM of non-violent January 6 prisoner and former US Marine Zachary Rehl.

The lawless FBI was caught infiltrating the defense teams of the January 6 protesters!

Fed-Surrection Update: Rotten FBI Agents Even Befriended J6 Protester and Tried to Convince Him to Create or Use Molotov Cocktails

INCIDENT 16: FBI-DOJ Informant planted incriminating “1776 Returns” document in Proud Boys chat group.

Fed-Surrection Update: Rotten FBI Agents Even Befriended J6 Protester and Tried to Convince Him to Create or Use Molotov Cocktails

INCIDENT 17: Fed Operative DROVE Proud Boys leader to infamous meeting with Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes on January 5th — so they could build a false narrative against the patriotic groups!

Fed-Surrection Update: Rotten FBI Agents Even Befriended J6 Protester and Tried to Convince Him to Create or Use Molotov Cocktails

INCIDENT 18: Report Reveals NUMEROUS Undercover DC Police officers Infiltrating the Trump crowd on January 6 and video shows them urging protesters to climb scaffolding and move forward to the US Capitol!

Fed-Surrection Update: Rotten FBI Agents Even Befriended J6 Protester and Tried to Convince Him to Create or Use Molotov Cocktails

INCIDENT 19: Megan Paradise, the Ray Epps Female Clone, Caught on Megaphone Directing Trump Supporters to US Capitol, Broke into Pelosi’s Office, Filmed the Room, Smoking Has Not Been Arrested

INCIDENT 20: FBI Agents working the crowd on January 6, befriend a Trump supporter and then try to set him up with Molotov cocktails so he can spend years in prison!

The FBI under dirty Chris Wray even sent operatives to befriend Trump supporters and convince them to commit illegal acts of violence.

FBI agents befriended Fi Duong while working undercover in the Trump crowds on January 6.

Undercover FBI agents then targeted and befriended Trump supporter Fi Duong following the January 6 Fedsurrection.

Fed-Surrection Update: Rotten FBI Agents Even Befriended J6 Protester and Tried to Convince Him to Create or Use Molotov Cocktails

It should be clear by now to any honest American that January 6 was a planned, staged, highly coordinated and orchestrated assault on the American people – and the January 6 protests had NOTHING to do with Donald Trump!

The post Another FBI Operative Identified on US Capitol Grounds on Jan. 6, 2021 – At Least 21 Confirmed Incidents of Feds, FBI Agents, and State Operatives Who Infiltrated Trump Crowds That Day appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
