Biden relaxes Ramadan celebrations amid low popularity with Arab Americans – Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden could downscale the White House’s Ramadan celebrations this year as he faces pushback from the Muslim community over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war.

White House officials normally host hundreds of Muslim leaders from across the United States to mark the end of Ramadan at an ​​Eid al Fitr celebration. But this year, officials were warned that people could decline the invitations in protest of the president’s support for Israel, according to Politico. 

“I’m not sure how they’re going to be able to do this this year. A lot of people are just not going to go,” a Muslim leader who has attended previous Ramadan receptions hosted by Biden said. “[Many find it too difficult] to celebrate with the president they deem responsible, or partially responsible, for what’s happening.”

As a result of the potential boycott, the administration is considering limiting the amount of invitations it sends out, which would largely go to Muslim administration officials and ambassadors from Muslim-majority nations.

The smaller gathering would resemble the celebrations hosted by former President Donald Trump when he occupied the White House. If the president does host the annual event, it would likely occur in the middle of April, after Ramadan ends on April 9, but no details on the celebration have been disclosed so far.

“I don’t have anything to preview in the way of events,” deputy press secretary Olivia Dalton said Monday. “But certainly, this is a holy time of year. The president will extend his typical well wishes to the Muslim community here and around the world.”


The comments come after Arab American voters showed their dissatisfaction with Biden’s continued support for Israel and failure to call for a permanent ceasefire at the ballot box. Organizers called for voters to write in “uncommitted” instead of Biden in multiple Democratic primaries. The largest protest vote took place in Hawaii, where 29% of Democratic voters voted “uncommitted.” The movement also saw large success in Michigan and Minnesota.

The lack of support among the Muslim population could spell trouble for the president in November in his rematch with Trump. If enough voters lack the motivation to vote for Biden in key swing states, Trump could flip them and return to the White House.
