‘SICK’: Unmasking Big Medicine | TRAILER OUT NOW

“You follow the money, you pretty much discover everything,” says just one of the medical professionals the Daily Caller sat down with for our latest documentary. And that’s exactly what we did.

The Daily Caller’s new documentary, “SICK,” dives into the deceitful history and shameful practices of America’s Big Medicine industry. From doctors and therapists to scientists and executives, these pill pushers all claim to be the experts. They say we should trust them when they promise to cure all our ailments.

But the patients, advocates and doctors we spoke to all agreed: Big Medicine has made us less healthy and more dependent on the toxic chemicals they prescribe.

“SICK” is available exclusively to Patriots subscribers. Subscribe here to watch Thursday, and check out our entire collection of original documentaries.

Catch an exclusive first glimpse below.

First, the Daily Caller uncovered the true cost of the Defund the Police movement in “Lawless.”  Then “Rigged” exposed the issue Democrats fear most: how their political machine managed to install Joe Biden in 2020. Now, we are taking on one of the Swamp’s most powerful allies, the massive pharmaceutical companies they all begged us — no, forced us — to trust for our COVID vaccines.

“SICK” goes back long before the COVID disaster. Our investigative team examines the opioid epidemic foisted on us by Purdue Pharma, which still wreaks havoc on families and communities across the country. We take a deep dive into the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) craze, which for 50 years was sold as the miracle cure for depression and anxiety despite often creating the problems it’s meant to treat. We ultimately go back over one hundred years to show how the use of toxic chemicals to treat medical conditions was part of a coordinated push by one of the wealthiest families in American history.

The same tactics are at work today, as drug pushers and government ideologues team up to pump vulnerable children with irreversible hormone treatments under the guise of “gender-affirming care.”

There is a silver lining: after COVID, more Americans are waking up. Americans’ trust in the medical system is approaching an all-time low as they tune out the expert advice that would turn them into lifelong patients and cash cows.

The only message Big Medicine will understand is a hit to their bottom line. And by shedding further light on their decades of abuse, the Daily Caller aims to deliver just that.

The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “SICK” — and to help support future investigative documentaries — please consider subscribing.
