Nevada Republicans sue election officials over ‘impossibly high’ voter registration – Washington Examiner

Republicans in Nevada accused the state of having a suspiciously high number of registered voters in a lawsuit filed this week.

The lawsuit, filed against Democratic Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar and five local election officials, alleges that the voter tabulation in five counties is “impossibly high” and violates the National Voter Registration Act. Republicans said that in three counties, the number of registered voters is more than 90% of the adult population in those counties.

“Nevada’s impossibly high registration rates, large rates of inactive registered voters, low numbers of removals, and inconsistent enforcement across counties indicate an ongoing, systemic problem with its voter-list maintenance efforts,” the lawsuit reads.

The Republican National Committee and the Nevada Republican Party filed the lawsuit, mirroring former President Donald Trump’s allies who are launching investigations into election officials nationwide.

“Nevada has universal mail voting and no voter ID requirement, which makes Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar’s failure to comply with the NVRA and provide accurate voter rolls all the more concerning,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement. “Securing clean voter rolls in Nevada is a critical step towards ensuring that it will be easy to vote and hard to cheat.”

The RNC first expressed its concerns to Aguilar last December about the perceived high voter count.

“The RNC is demanding that Nevada ensure only eligible voters can vote and will take legal action to ensure that outcome if necessary,” then-Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said.

The December investigation by the RNC reportedly found more than 100% voter registration in Douglas, Lyon, and Storey counties, which means there were more registered voters than adults in those counties.

In response, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford’s office sent a letter back to the RNC explaining how the state maintains its list of registered voters. The GOP was using two lists to calculate its analysis, referring to both the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey and the 2017-2021 Citizen Voting Age Population.

“This is comparing apples to orangutans,” according to the letter, which also noted that the CVAP survey had previously been found to be insufficient in being used as a basis to challenge Nevada’s compliance with the voter list maintenance.

“There is nothing to suggest it was intended, or powered, to provide accurate or precise state-level registration rates,” the letter reads. “And yet, you apply these rates as if they were absolute truth.”


Ford’s office also suggested that the lawsuit was only going after swing states, such as Nevada, because there are states that have higher registration rates than Nevada’s 86%, but they are not being targeted in the suit.

The RNC still suggested that “voter fraud is very real in Nevada” and that previous elections have suffered because of it. An investigation into the 2020 election in Nevada found no evidence of widespread voter fraud.
