House Republicans use final spending bill to put an end to attempts to restrict gas stoves – Washington Examiner

House Republicans included a one-line provision in the final appropriations legislation up for a vote Friday that would prevent the Biden administration from banning gas stoves.

In the minibus released early Thursday morning, a policy rider states that none of the appropriated funds “may be used to promulgate, implement, administer, or enforce any regulation issued by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to ban gas stoves as a class of products.”

The debate around a proposed ban on gas stoves dates back to 2022 after the Consumer Product Safety Commission floated a future ban and changes in standards for natural gas stoves after several studies linked the product to an increased risk of childhood asthma. The Energy Department shortly after proposed new regulations to mandate better energy efficiency in new gas stove models, which DOE officials said would reduce pollution and save consumers money.

Since then, Republicans have campaigned on Democrats wanting to “ban” gas stoves and condemned any proposed restrictions to the stoves as government overreach that will be costly and burdensome to people. The GOP-controlled House passed laws last June that would hinder the Biden administration’s ability to regulate natural gas stoves, but it has since stalled in the Senate.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has been working hard to garner support from his conference to get the spending deal over the finish line. He touted the prohibition of a gas stove ban, as well as a rider prohibiting non-approved flags from flying above U.S. diplomatic buildings, as victories in the GOP conference meeting on Wednesday, a source in the room confirmed to the Washington Examiner.

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) told E&E News that gas stoves came up as one of the victories in the GOP conference meeting Wednesday because “it was ludicrous to begin with for the administration to ban gas stoves.”

The House Republicans’ campaign arm has also praised the policy rider in the $1 trillion spending deal that is up for a vote Friday morning.

“Extreme Democrats would turn America into a nanny state where people have no control over their lives if it were not for House Republicans fighting back against their radical agenda,” National Republican Congressional Committee National press secretary Will Reinert said in a statement to the Washington Examiner. “This isn’t the end of the fight though — they’ll set their sights on banning gas cars & trucks next.”

However, some House Democrats view the policy rider as unnecessary and causing a problem when there isn’t one.

“Congratulations to House Republicans for prohibiting a ban that was never going to happen in the first place,” a Democratic aide told the Washington Examiner. “The only silver lining is that we can now stop this completely pointless debate, which never had any basis in fact.”


Rep. Becca Balint (D-VT) said Republicans do not know how to govern and she “can’t take them seriously” when they support riders such as the one for gas stoves.

“They have no vision,” Balint said to the Washington Examiner. “They have no policy. All they have is rhetoric, so they’ve got to double down on all their stupid rhetoric.”
