“I Am Ultra-MAGA, I Am a TRUMPlican, I Am a Fiscal Conservative” – George Santos Tells Gateway Pundit Why He Is Running as Independent Candidate in New York Congressional Race | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

“I Am Ultra-MAGA, I Am a TRUMPlican, I Am a Fiscal Conservative” – George Santos Tells Gateway Pundit Why He Is Running as Independent Candidate in New York Congressional Race

Conservative pro-MAGA candidate George Santos

Former Republican Representative George Santos announced on Friday he is leaving the Republican Party to run as an indepedent candidate in the upcoming 2024 election.

Santos, the former Republican Representative from New York’s First congressional district will take on Democrat Rep. Nick LoLota in the race.

George Santos was foolishly removed from Congress by the Republican majority despite their slim lead over the radical Democrats.

New York Republicans then selected a registered Democrat to run in the special election against Nick LoLata who won handily to regain the seat for Democrats. The Republican’s candidate hid from President Trump during the race.

Today the Republican Party has a ONE SEAT majority in the US House thanks to the removal of Santos and the sudden retirements of two prominent RINOs.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with George Santos on Friday after news broke on his latest congressional race.

Here is what George Santos told us.

George Santos: I’ve always been a conservative at heart and a Republican because that’s where my conservative values aligned the most. The biggest thing for me as a Republican has always been fiscal responsibility. Responsibility. Following today’s vote with the minibus, I’m sorry, there is no Fiscal conservative Party left in Washington, DC.

Then why affiliate with them? Why bother? It’s no different than the Democrat Party. My approach here is very simple. I am, yes, ultra-MAGA. I am, yes, America first! I am, yes, a TRUMPlican. Maybe it’s about time we just accept who we are instead of trying to pretend to be who we are not. I am not a Republican. I am a fiscal conservative, and there’s no home in Washington DC for somebody like me.

Jim Hoft: I agree. You could be on to something. You think you could have other individuals come your way?

George Santos: I think it’s about time we break the two-party system fever and we bring a third, a fourth party into the mix. It would only benefit this country greatly. I really hope that others can find the fortitude within them to just unaffiliate from the Republican Party, because essentially is the Republican Party, all it does is lose and beg for money so they can lose some more.

So will Republicans stand down from this race? Or will they run another Democrat in hopes of winning the race?

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

