John Ratcliffe: Why Would Israel Want to Take Advice from Joe Biden and the National Security Apparatus That’s Been So Wrong? (VIDEO)

Mark Levin and former DNI John Ratcliffe

Former DNI John Ratcliffe joined Mark Levin on Saturday night to discuss Joe Biden’s continued persecution of Israel and the Jews.

It is no secret that Joe Biden funded has bailed out the evil Iranian regime with tens of billions of US dollars since he came into office.

Joe Biden Gifts Another $10 Billion to Iran – His Total Funding to Iran Now Comes to $80 Billion Since He Entered Office- And This is One Month After Iran-Backed Hamas Slaughtered 1,400 Jews in Israel

Joe Biden even reversed Trump policies and sent nearly $1 billion to UNRWA in Gaza since 2021. Members of UNRWA later participated in the mass slaughter of Jews in southern Israel on October 7, 2023.

Hamas still holds dozens of Jewish hostages including women from the bloody assault.

Last night John Ratcliffe spelled out Joe Biden’s disgustingly anti-Jewish record that brought war and mayhem to Israel and the Middle East.

John Ratcliffe: Mark, we We were warned that Joe Biden was going to be terrible when it came to American foreign policy and protecting Americans’ national security interest. Robert Gates told us that, that Joe Biden is always wrong, and that’s certainly proven to be the case…

… We’ve seen him undermine the Israelis at every turn. Even at his State of the Union speech last week or two weeks ago, he talked about having a come to Jesus meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu and then saying Chuck Schumer’s speech, calling for Israeli elections to remove Netanyahu as Prime Minister, was a good speech that reflected the concerns of a lot of Americans. I mean, all of these things undermine Israel, our most important strategic partner. The funny thing about it, Mark, is from the Israeli perspective, they have to sit there and wonder, why would we want to take advice from Joe Biden and the national security apparatus that’s been so wrong from a national security adviser who, eight days before these attacks, said the Middle East has never been quieter and that he didn’t have to spend any time there, and in fact, bragged about the fact that Israeli-Palestinian conflicts were at an all-time low before he went on to a rant about climate change. The bottom line is, Mark, these guys are just really, really bad at what they do. And as we’ve seen, there’s no accountability for one failure after another. And it’s not just limited to the Middle East.

It’s obviously includes Afghanistan, but in the Indo Pacific. Really, you can’t find a place on the globe where American national security interest has improved. But I think that the irony of all things that we talk about here, Mark, when we talk about this situation is this is a situation that, as you correctly pointed out, Joe Biden helped create. What we’re dealing with when we’re talking about war in Gaza right now is due in part to Joe Biden rebuilding an Iranian economy and directly funding Hamas. I heard you It referenced the fact that in the Trump administration, we cut off funding to UNRA because we had intelligence that told us that the UN Relief Work Agency was too cozy with Hamas and that aid wasn’t going to innocent Palestinians. It was going to support Hamas fighters. And now, after these horrific attacks against Israelis and Americans, US intelligence and Israeli intelligence confirm that UN Relief Work Agency workers participated in the attacks against Israel. So Joe Biden actually was sending money to the very people that were conducting these attacks on October seventh. And so it’s a terrible, terrible situation.

Via Midnight Rider.

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