KJP hangs up on North Carolina radio host after ‘offensive’ question about whether Biden has dementia – Washington Examiner

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre hung up on a North Carolina radio host Tuesday, after the host dared to ask whether President Joe Biden had dementia.

Jean-Pierre called the question from WBT’s Mark Garrison “offensive” and “insulting,” highlighting that the president’s physician has laid out a “comprehensive” report on the president’s health.

LISTEN: KJP hangs up on a Charlotte, North Carolina radio host after being asked if Joe Biden has dementia and about high gas prices and high grocery prices. pic.twitter.com/eu69qAQhVH

— Conservative War Machine (@WarMachineRR) March 26, 2024

“I can’t even believe you’re asking me this question. That is an incredibly offensive question to ask,” Jean-Pierre said. “Let me be very clear about this. For the past several years, the president’s physician has laid out in a comprehensive way the president’s health. This is a president who if you watch him every day, if you really pay attention to his record and what he has done, you will see exactly how focused he’s been on the American people, how historic his actions have been. And so I’m not even going to truly, truly, really, you know, take the premise of your question. I think it is incredibly insulting.”

The press secretary requested the next question, which she also firmly answered, regarding gas and grocery prices. Garrison questioned how the president can expect to win votes when voters have less disposable income.

“When the president walked into this administration, there were multiple problems happening,” Jean-Pierre said. ‘But the president took action on gas prices. Let’s not forget, the Russian invasion of Ukraine skyrocketed prices of gas, and because the president took action we are in a different place than we were a year ago on gas prices. Eggs, milk, seafood products, all the important groceries — those prices have gone down because of what this president has been able to do. And with that, thank you so much Mark, have an amazing day.”

Jean-Pierre then hung up the phone, leaving Garrison and another radio host stunned.

“Wow, wow, wow. I mean, Mark, is this? Listen, I am nominating you to get a press corps badge, and you need to go to the White House,” the other host said. “I’m sorry, but you asked three, four incredibly salient, important questions that are all front of mind. Nothing out of bounds. No baba booeying or anything like that. Right? And you did it exactly right on. I don’t understand the fragility of this person.”


The interview comes after critics of the 81-year-old president have expressed concern over his mental capability to serve another four years as the commander-in-chief. However, a summary of the physical’s findings by the president’s physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor in February noted that Biden “continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations.”

If Biden is reelected in November, he would be 86 when he leaves office. If former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, wins in November then he would be 82 when leaving office.
