Megyn Kelly and Carol Roth Slam Liberal Media for Spinning False Narrative About ‘Bidenomics’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Financial analyst and commentator Carol Roth recently appeared on the Megyn Kelly podcast.

The two spent a considerable amount of time talking about the impact of Biden’s economic policies and Megyn slammed the liberal media, specifically the New York Times, for trying to put a positive spin on ‘Bidenomics.’

Roth pointed out that Biden is taking credit for jobs that already existed before the pandemic and have just started to come back in recent months.

The two also talked about the weakened dollar under Biden.

Meaww reports:

Megyn Kelly slams NYT’s The Daily podcast for ‘falsely spinning the narrative’ about Bidenomics

Megyn Kelly has taken The New York Times to the cleaners after they gave a “glowing progress report” on President Joe Biden’s policy called ‘Bidenomics.’…

The 52-year-old podcaster started by playing a clip of President Joe Biden where he’s heard praising his economic policy. “Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal started referring to my policy as ‘Bidenomics’…and guess what (in a hushed tone) It’s Working!”

Kelly then laughed at the clip stating, “What would Biden be without the creepy whisper?” She then asked her host Roth about whether Biden’s economic policy was working who only said, “It’s not working Megyn.”…

However, Kelly wasn’t done yet. She brought the New York Times podcast ‘The Daily’ into the spotlight and stated that they had given Bidenomics a “glowing progress report.”

Kelly mentioned that despite the inflation rate going down due to the intervention of the Federal government to bring the interest rates down, ‘Bidenomics’ had nothing to do with it.

Watch the video below:

If you follow Carol Roth on Twitter, you know she speaks out on these issues regularly.

Biden’s economic policies have been a disaster for the country.

The sooner he is out of office, the better.
