Andy Kim takes a swing at Democrats who didn’t let him campaign against Tammy Murphy – Washington Examiner

Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ), U.S. Senate candidate, has accepted his spot on the crucial county line in most of New Jersey, save for Camden County. 

The county line places party-backed candidates in one row or column with other candidates placed somewhere else on the ballot in what is sometimes called “ballot Siberia.” Studies confirm that candidates in the county line are more likely to be elected.

Kim’s legal team announced Thursday that he will run off the line because it would be unacceptable to associate with Camden County Democrats since they are leading the charge against Kim’s lawsuit, according to the New Jersey Globe. Kim is currently the lead plaintiff of a lawsuit to get rid of New Jersey’s county-line ballot, which gives candidates an advantage at the polls. 

“If Rep. Kim sought bracketing and a shared slogan, he would be associating with the Camden County Democratic Committee and its candidates, who are adverse parties to him in this active litigation before Your Honor,” Kim’s attorneys wrote Thursday in a letter to U.S. District Judge Zahid Quraishi. “Bracketing with a legal adversary would not be appropriate, and would be confusing to voters.”

In all other counties that use the county line, Kim has agreed to be placed on the line. 

In Camden County, however, Kim has filed to run under the slogan “New Jersey Democratic Team,” which means this year, the Camden county line will have no candidate for Senate. 

While Kim’s lawsuit originally hinged on his disadvantage, that has since changed after New Jersey first lady Tammy Murphy dropped out of the race to unseat Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ). With Kim now leading, attorneys defending the county line say the lawsuit’s new circumstances “drastically changes the relevant analysis of irreparable harm.”

Earlier this month, Kim, among other candidates, was barred from entering the Camden County convention to campaign. 

At the time, Kim criticized Camden County Democrats. Kim said he requested to attend the meeting but was denied, alongside Patricia Campos-Medina, another candidate in the race.

“When Patricia shows up and is right there at the building, how do you not let a Senate candidate into the building to just at least be able to say a few words?” Kim said. “She wasn’t asking for much, I’m guessing just a few minutes of their time. I requested to be able to attend that meeting and was rejected and denied. I just don’t understand it.”

“I was denied entry to Camden County Dems Convention. As a Latina woman candidate, I demand fairness. Time to abolish the county line for equal ballot access. Proud to stand for real representation,” Campos-Medina posted on X. Campos-Medina was physically barred from entering the convention, as seen in the video.

Murphy said she had no take in the decision not to allow Kim or Campos-Medina into the committee meeting. 


“I think we all have been playing by the same rules in the counties. We’re all showing up and trying to do our best. Some of us have a better chance in some counties, and some have a better chance in other counties,” Murphy said. “It’s just the way it is.” 

In much smaller Cumberland County, Kim will also not be running on the line due to inner party disorganization and chaos that has left the county without an endorsement. He will run on the same “New Jersey Democratic Team” that he is using in Camden.
