Leak of Her Cancer Diagnosis Forced Princess Kate To Reveal Her Medical Condition to the World | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

Leak of Her Cancer Diagnosis Forced Princess Kate To Reveal Her Medical Condition to the World

To live the real life of a Princess is no fairy tale.

Kate, the Princess of Wales, recorded a video announcement disclosing and detailing her cancer treatment in a very dignified way that moved the Kingdom and the world.

But now, it arises that the video was ‘rushed out’ by Kensington Palace aides, after her diagnosis had been leaked to the press.

Daily Mail reported:

“Kate Middleton confirmed she had been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing ‘preventative chemotherapy’ for the disease in a video message on March 22.

However, a well-placed source has revealed the timing of the video nothing to do with the speculation that would have come from her missing church on Easter morning, but instead because someone had knowledge of her health condition.

Kensington Palace had been contacted about Kate’s diagnosis, leaving no option but to hurry to get ahead of the story, the insider told the Daily Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle column.

It is unclear as to whether the leak came from within The London Clinic, where the Princess underwent abdominal surgery in January, or from elsewhere.”

At this point it is unclear if the leak came from the London Clinic – but here in TGP I wrote about the UK ROYAL SECURITY SCANDAL: Hospital Staff in Posh London Clinic Attempted to Access Princess Kate Middleton’s Private Medical Records.

Initially, it was believed the video aimed to calm down the frenzied speculations about her condition, as we covered in Grave Sickness, Affair and Divorce, ‘Brazilian Butt Lift’? Britain’s Prince William and Princess Kate Face the Rumor Mill Going into Overdrive.

When she was spotted outside, the controversy followed: BBC Reporter Claims Woman Photographed With Prince William Was a Kate “Look-alike”.

So, finally, when the Princess came to the public and told her story – or part of it – it was assumed to be a reaction at the folly, and NOT an attempt to preempt the unauthorized leak to hit the news before she did.

Sure enough, the circumstances surrounding Princess Kate’s video don’t diminish her dignified stance.

Much to the contrary – this story is further evidence of the violence committed against her right to privacy when it comes to her medical records.

But then, again, to live the real life of a Princess is no fairy tale.

Read more:

JUST IN: Kate Middleton Reveals She Has Cancer and is Undergoing Chemotherapy (VIDEO)



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Paul Serran is a Brazilian writer and musician, completing his first year as a contributor to The Gateway Pundit. He has written books, articles, TV programs, documentaries, plays. He joined the ‘Information war’ in 2017 and started writing for an international – predominantly American – audience. Unbanned in X | Truth Social | Telegram Channel

You can email Paul Serran here, and read more of Paul Serran’s articles here.

