Massive Crane Being Used in Baltimore Key Bridge Clean Up Operation Has CIA Past | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott

Massive Crane Being Used in Baltimore Key Bridge Clean Up Operation Has CIA Past

The massive crane tasked with cleaning up the wreckage of the Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse has a long past with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The U.S. Naval Institute has reported that the Chesapeake, the largest crane on the East Coast, arrived to assist in the efforts of cleaning up the wreckage left behind from the Dali crashing into the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Friday.

According to the UNI, the Chesapeake, formerly named the SUN 800, was built by the CIA “to recover the Soviet Golf II ballistic missile submarine K-129, which sunk in 1968.”

The CIA used the SUN 800 to help assist in the construction of the Hughes Glomar Explorer.

The Hughes Glomar explorer was a “deep-sea drillship platform built for Project Azorian, the secret 1974 effort by the United States Central Intelligence Agency’s Special Activities Division to recover the Soviet submarine K-129.”

By conducting  Project Azorian, the CIA was able to recover several Soviet crew members who were on board the Soviet submarine K-129.

Per The Washington Post:

The story of the massive crane tasked with clearing the wreckage of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge began with a secret operation in the midst of the Cold War, a billionaire’s cover story and a missing Soviet submarine.

Decades ago, the Chesapeake 1000 crane, which arrived in Baltimore on Friday, was a key part of a Central Intelligence Agency project that aimed to recover Soviet secrets in a period fraught with political tension between the United States and the U.S.S.R.

Currently, the Baltimore port is closed, and those navigating the ongoing wreckage cleanup believe it won’t be months until the port reopens full-time.

Scott Spellmon, the commanding general of the US Army Corps, told the press regarding the re-opening of Baltitmore’s port, “I don’t think we’re talking days, I don’t think we’re talking months.”

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