U.S. Investigator on 60 Minutes: Russia is Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks on More Than 100 U.S. Officials — They are Believed to be “Wounded by a Secret Weapon Firing a High-Energy Beam of Microwaves or Ultrasound” Causing Mysterious Brain Injuries | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

U.S. Investigator on 60 Minutes: Russia is Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks on More Than 100 U.S. Officials — They are Believed to be “Wounded by a Secret Weapon Firing a High-Energy Beam of Microwaves or Ultrasound” Causing Mysterious Brain Injuries

Screenshot: 60 Minutes

The Gateway Pundit cannot confirm or deny the accuracy of this report. Given the volume of propaganda being disseminated by the Biden regime and the media, we advise our readers to exercise critical thinking and personal judgment when interpreting news and reports. It is crucial, now more than ever, to independently evaluate the information available and make informed decisions based on your own discernment of the truth.

The joint investigation by 60 Minutes, The Insider (Russian news website), and Der Spiegel (German news website) released evidence suggesting the involvement of Russian intelligence unit 29155 in the attacks believed to be caused by a secret weapon.

In an explosive report aired by 60 Minutes, in collaboration with The Insider and Der Spiegel, shocking allegations have surfaced, implicating Russia in the mystifying ‘Havana Syndrome’ that has afflicted over a hundred U.S. officials with enigmatic brain injuries.

The syndrome has been described as a paralyzing force from an invisible weapon, speculated to be a high-energy beam of microwaves or ultrasound.

Founder and editor-in-chief of The Insider, Roman Dobrokhotov, declared the investigation’s findings as “mind-blowing” in the history of their reporting.

“The Insider will publish one of the most significant investigations in the entire history of its existence (at night, because at the same time as its American investigative partners). History in every sense of the word mind-blowing,” Dobrokhotov wrote.

U.S. officials have been plagued by a mysterious force incapacitating them with severe neurological symptoms. Research into the clinical effects of “Havana syndrome” by the GRU-affiliated Military Medical Academy and efforts to develop acoustic weapons by a key figure in group 29155 suggest a direct involvement by Russian operatives.

Dobrokhotov wrote in The Insider:

For 10 years now, American diplomats, officials and intelligence officers around the world have been confronted with mysterious incidents known as the “Havana syndrome.” It’s like a paralyzing blow from some invisible force that leaves them disabled for life: they can’t concentrate, they lose their balance out of the blue, they suffer from terrible migraines.

US intelligence agencies until recently stated that they had no information about the involvement of other countries, but we were able to discover that the time and location of the attacks correlated with trips by GRU officers from military unit 29155.

Two victims saw employees of 29155 before the attack or immediately after her and identified them from a photograph. It also turned out that the GRU-affiliated Military Medical Academy was studying the clinical effects caused by “Havana syndrome”, and one of the key members of group 29155 received a government order to develop acoustic weapons.

“Havana Syndrome” got its name after one of the largest incidents that occurred in 2016 in the Cuban capital. Many American and Canadian employees of the local consulate encountered a strange phenomenon. They suddenly became ill, they experienced severe pressure (sometimes pain) in their ears, an attack of nausea and panic, a feeling of strange sounds – either a loud noise or a very high-pitched sound similar to the chirping of a grasshopper, after which the consequences haunted them for months or even years: blurred consciousness, problems with concentration, loss of balance out of the blue, hyperacusis, problems with sleep.

Over time, it became clear that something similar was being repeated with American diplomats, officials and intelligence officers around the world, often right on the premises of consulates. Medical tests have made it possible in many cases to detect objective evidence of traces of trauma to certain areas of the brain and thereby exclude psychosomatics. Of the total number of complaints from American government employees collected in recent years (more than a thousand), at least several dozen have been well verified and proven, and they have occurred all over the world – from Europe (including Russia) to the countries of Southeast Asia and Latin America, since 2014 and still is. What causes this effect has not yet been established, but the main working version is pulsed microwave radiation.

As we were able to establish, there is a clear correlation between the trips of GRU officers from military unit 29155 and cases of “Havana syndrome” in different regions of the world.

Read more here.

On Monday night’s episode of 60 Minutes, former Pentagon investigator and retired Army lieutenant colonel Greg Edgreen stated that more than 100 U.S. officials have fallen victim to attacks believed to be orchestrated by Russia, causing mysterious brain injuries likened to being “wounded by a secret weapon firing a high-energy beam of microwaves or ultrasound.”

Despite a government report from 2023 suggesting it was “very unlikely” that a foreign adversary was responsible, the investigation has unveiled evidence pointing firmly towards Russia. Victims include White House staff, CIA officers, FBI agents, and military personnel, many of whom have excelled in their focus on Russia, indicating a possible motive for the attacks.

CBS reported:

Last year, President Biden attended the NATO summit in Lithuania after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Multiple sources told 60 Minutes that a high-level Department of Defense official was struck during the summit. Edgreen shared what the reported incident meant to him.

60 Minutes has agreed to withhold the last name of “Carrie,” a Havana Syndrome victim who is still an FBI agent working in counterintelligence. Her case also points to Russia.

She said she was home in Florida in 2021 when she was hit by a crippling force.

“And bam, inside my right ear, it was like a dentist drilling on steroids. That feeling when it gets too close to your eardrum? It’s like that, times 10,” she said.

At the same time, she said, the battery in her phone began to swell until it broke the case. Finally, she passed out on a couch. Because of chest pain, she was checked by a cardiologist, and then returned to duty. For months, she complained to her colleagues of memory issues and problems multitasking.

The report also uncovers potential evidence linking the Russian intelligence unit 29155 to the deployment of directed energy weapons, based on documents and accounts that suggest a calculated effort by Russia to target American officials.

This includes specific incidents in Tbilisi, Georgia, and other locations, pointing to a deliberate campaign to incapacitate U.S. officials through these mysterious and harmful attacks.

There’s also evidence 29155 may have been present in Tbilisi, Georgia when Americans reported incidents there. Grozev believes members of 29155 were there to facilitate, supervise, or possibly personally implement attacks on American officials using an acoustic weapon.

Sources have told 60 Minutes that an investigation centered on Russian Albert Averyanov, whose name appears on travel manifests and phone records alongside known members of 29155. He’s also the son of the unit’s commander.

Incidents began in Tbilisi the day after a phone call, which was intercepted. Sources said a man on the call asked in Russian: “Is it supposed to have blinking green lights?” and “should I leave it on all night?”

The next day, a U.S. official, their spouse, and their child were hit. That same week, the wife of a Justice Department official, who asked “60 Minutes” to withhold her name over safety concerns, was blindsided by a sound in her laundry room in Tbilisi on Oct. 7, 2021.

And it just pierced my ears, came in my left side, felt like it came through the window, into my left ear,” she said.

She had a piercing headache and projectile vomited.

Read more.

The U.S. intelligence community remains divided, with some agencies expressing “low” or “moderate” confidence in the theory that a foreign adversary is responsible. Meanwhile, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported no evidence of physical damage on brain scans of affected patients, and the official stance cites “preexisting conditions, conventional illnesses, and environmental factors” as probable causes.

Attorney Mark Zaid, representing victims, suspects a cover-up, positing that certain lines of inquiry are being deliberately ignored. “There is, in my view, without a doubt, evidence of a cover-up,” Zaid told 60 Minutes.

Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued the following statement to 60 Minutes, “In light of this and the evidence that points away from a foreign adversary, causal mechanism, or unique syndromes linked to AHIs, IC agencies assess those symptoms reported by U.S. personnel probably were the result of factors that did not involve a foreign adversary. These findings do not call into question the very real experiences and symptoms that our colleagues and their family members have reported. We continue to prioritize our work on such incidents, allocating resources and expertise across the government, pursuing multiple lines of inquiry and seeking information to fill the gaps we have identified.”

White House said, “At the start of the Biden-Harris Administration and again following the 2023 Intelligence Community assessment, the White House has directed departments and agencies across the federal government to prioritize investigations into the cause of AHIs and to examine reports thoroughly; to ensure that U.S. Government personnel and their families who report AHIs receive the support and timely access to medical care that they need; and to take reports of AHIs seriously and treat personnel with respect and compassion. The Biden-Harris administration continues to emphasize the importance of prioritizing efforts to comprehensively examine the effects and potential causes of AHIs.”

FBI said in a statement to CBS, “The issue of Anomalous Health Incidents is a top priority for the FBI, as the protection, health and well-being of our employees and colleagues across the federal government is paramount.  We will continue to work alongside our partners in the intelligence community as part of the interagency effort to determine how we can best protect our personnel.  The FBI takes all U.S. government personnel who report symptoms seriously.  In keeping with this practice, the FBI has messaged its workforce on how to respond if they experience an AHI, how to report an incident, and where they can receive medical evaluations for symptoms or persistent effects.”


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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

