The Associated Press Gaslights Struggling Americans, Claims Lower Prices Would Actually Be a Bad Thing | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

The Associated Press Gaslights Struggling Americans, Claims Lower Prices Would Actually Be a Bad Thing

The Associated Press (AP) is running cover for the rampant inflation experienced under Joe Biden by claiming that falling prices would actually be a bad thing.

In an article by the AP’s economics writer Paul Wiseman, he makes the case that lower prices would be worse for the economy as it is a sign of deflation:

Wouldn’t it be great if prices actually fell — what economists call deflation? Who wouldn’t want to fire up a time machine and return to the days before the economy rocketed out of the pandemic recession and sent prices soaring?

At least prices are now rising more slowly — what’s called disinflation. On Friday, for example, the government said a key price gauge rose 0.3% in February, down from a 0.4% gain in January. And compared with a year earlier, prices were up 2.5%, way down from a peak of 7.1% in mid-2022.

But those incremental improvements are hardly enough to please the public, whose discontent over prices poses a risk to President Joe Biden’s re-election bid.

Wiseman goes on to make the case that prices going back to what they were before Biden took office would have a detrimental impact:

“Most Americans are not just looking for disinflation,’’ Lisa Cook, a member of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, said last year. “They’re looking for deflation. They want these prices to be back where they were before the pandemic.’’

Many economists caution, though, that consumers should be careful what they wish for. Falling prices across the economy would actually be an unhealthy sign.

“There are,’’ the Bank of England warns, “more consequences from falling prices than meets the eye.’’

Deflation is, of course, a well known phenomenon that can have serious negative economic consequences. However, what most Americans probably wish for is that inflation had never been allowed to skyrocket in the first place, instead remaining at a healthy level of between one and two percent.

Despite being a supposedly neutral and fact based news wire, the AP is one of the many media organs of the Biden regime.

Just this week, the AP rushed to politicize the history around Francis Scott Key, the author of the national anthem, following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore. This was presumably done in the hope that it will be renamed as part of the left’s continued assault on American history.

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Ben Kew is a writer and editor. Originally from the UK, he moved to the U.S. to cover Congress for Breitbart News and has since gone on to editorial roles at Human Events, Townhall Media, and Americano Media. He has also written for The Epoch Times, The Western Journal, and The Spectator.

You can email Ben Kew here, and read more of Ben Kew’s articles here.

